#indiewebcamp 2012-03-26

2012-03-26 UTC
josephboyle, brennannovak, josephboyle1 and davida joined the channel
!tell tantek I started working on a RelMeAuth implementation! https://github.com/aaronpk/RelMeAuth Going to integrate that into the indiewebcamp wiki soon!
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
josephboyle joined the channel
edited /Special:Log/newusers () "created new account User:Bslatkin"
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edited /2012/Guest_List (+293) "/* Creators */"
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josephboyle1, josephboyle, paulbooker, barnabywalters, elf-pavlik and davida joined the channel
edited /Special:Log/newusers () "created new account User:Ryan Barrett"
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ryan barrett
edited /projects (+631) "/* hacks */ add ostatus-unofficial"
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ryan barrett
edited /projects () "(-631) /* hacks */ move ostatus-unofficial to experimental"
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ryan barrett
edited /projects (+630) "/* experimental */ move ostatus-unofficial to experimental"
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josephboyle1, josephboyle, spinnerin, brennannovak, danbri, davida, paulbooker, spinnerin_, tilgovi, barnabywalters, DrPiD|Away and tilgovi_ joined the channel