#indiewebcamp 2012-06-11

2012-06-11 UTC
dascher, jancborchardt and tantek joined the channel
edited /Main_Page (+220) "put quick introduction to what is indiewebcamp at the very top"
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edited /Main_Page (+156) "/* IndieWebCamp */ share what we've built/designed"
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edited /Main_Page (+0) "planners/volunteers belong under wo"
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Nadreck and barnabywalters joined the channel
aaronpk: there's something wrong with the indiewebcamp IRC page
__NOCACHE__ {"error":"database_error","error_description":"Connection failed: SQLSTATE[HY000] [2002] Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '\/var\/lib\/mysql\/mysql.sock' (2)"}
tantek and dascher joined the channel
edited /site-deaths (+80) "/* 2012 */ Gowalla stats"
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singpolyma, tantek, barnabywalters, zztr, dascher and spinnerin joined the channel
If you're at #PdF12 we're discussing the #indieweb this afternoon on a panel w/ @t @willnorris @nancyscola. Get involved.
Push and Pull: What am I doing on my site? http://t.co/NrTIGJrV #indieweb
tilgovi and texburgher joined the channel
edited /site-deaths (+98) "/* 2010 */"
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edited /site-deaths (-1) "/* 2010 */"
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dascher and tantek joined the channel
Check out Erin Jo RIchey's PUSH page at http://t.co/rlgiEdwa #pdf12 #pdf2012 #indieweb @t Good Resources
@erinjo describes the value of social networks #indieweb #pdf12 @t
Do you know about twitter link structures? #pdf12 #indieweb
What is #DiSO2.0? #pdf12 #indieweb
@wordpress is definitely not going anywhere #indieweb #pdf12
That is a good question. What would an #indieweb camera app entail? #pdf12 #pdf2012
At "Reviving the Indieweb" panel, encouraging us to own our own identity and content online: http://t.co/N8DHj2vI #PDF12
@mozilla is building a phone? whoa. #pdf12 #indieweb @t #pdf2012
Fascinating talk about the indie web - http://t.co/COOx5GRt can it become a new norm for user created content ownership? #pdf12
tilgovi, josephboyle, tantek, shaners, barnabywalters and dascher_ joined the channel
edited /2012 (+139) "/* to-do */ provide good photo/summary page links"
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dascher joined the channel
thanks @erinjo @willnorris especially moderator @nancyscola for a great #PDF12 #indieweb panel. add our hCards: http://t.co/JOV9Qezo
dascher_, aaronpk and Alphi joined the channel
@evanpro dang, yeah, of course. You should give it a shot. Will you be in PDX for #indiewebcamp? I wanna hack on #statusnet things.
@julien51 YES! I've got a talk at OSBr then #indiewebcamp over the weekend.