#indiewebcamp 2012-07-17

2012-07-17 UTC
dreeves, josephboyle, brennannovak, xtof_fr, tantek and dascher joined the channel
for some reason I decided today I really dislike t.co
I also dislike how content services now treat every user as a comment spammer by default - but on their own 2nd party content
(by putting rel-nofollow on all hyperlinks posted, including in your profile!)
Bmndr-integrated version of our TallyBee Android app we made for #indieweb camp: http://t.co/0ZgKrBib (apk). in action: http://t.co/N1fheFjs
Organisation #BarcampBankParis8 - Cherche architectes #indieweb ? #bcpb8 http://t.co/GELeuUdp
barnabywalters, dascher, borior, danbri, benward, jancborchardt, tantek, tantek_, Nadreck, spinnerin, zztr, brennannovak, xtof_fr, donpdonp, aaronpk and dreeves joined the channel
edited /IRC_People (+58) "Added me"
(view diff)
danbri, spinnerin, dascher, borior, tantek, abki__, dreeves and tilgovi joined the channel