#indiewebcamp 2012-09-24

2012-09-24 UTC
dascher, Mazetar, catsup, brennannovak, dascher_ and tantek joined the channel
over here to speak at Refresh-LX.com
brennannovak, catsup, lmorchard, dascher, adactio, danbri, danbri_, eschnou, spinnerin, danbri__, tilgovi, stereoket, dascher_, mkowens-, donpdonp, tilgovi_, Nadreck_, barnabywalters, elf-pavlik and singpoly1a joined the channel
edited /webactions (+295) "Tidied, added list of real-world candidates"
(view diff)
danbri, donpdonp, dascher, dascher_, stereoket and brianloveswords_ joined the channel