#indiewebcamp 2013-04-04

2013-04-04 UTC
andreypopp, scor, tantek, jedahan and spinnerin joined the channel
RT @schofeld: Helps put the Twitter Cards behemoth in perspective: ‘On Silos vs an Open Social Web’ by @t #indieweb http://tantek.com/2013/073/b1/silos-vs-open-social-web
tantek, bnvk, andreypopp, tilgovi, scor and jedahan joined the channel
Ever wonder why you kept your money in a bank account but not your health records? #ownyourdata
b0bg0d, tantek, andreypopp, spinnerin, caseorganic, tilgovi, seyz, bnvk and barnabywalters joined the channel
People—individuals—not companies with financial interests, are the true stewards of the open web.
RT @aral: People—individuals—not companies with financial interests, are the true stewards of the open web.
RT @aral: People—individuals—not companies with financial interests, are the true stewards of the open web.
RT @aral: People—individuals—not companies with financial interests, are the true stewards of the open web.
RT @aral: People—individuals—not companies with financial interests, are the true stewards of the open web.
RT @aral: People—individuals—not companies with financial interests, are the true stewards of the open web.
RT @aral: People—individuals—not companies with financial interests, are the true stewards of the open web.
scor joined the channel
RT @aral: People—individuals—not companies with financial interests, are the true stewards of the open web.
andreypopp, tigerfinch, duckbillp, scor, mxuribe, christopheducamp, hober, adactio, jedahan, barnabywalters, bnvk_, danbri and b0bg0d joined the channel
RT @aral: People—individuals—not companies with financial interests, are the true stewards of the open web.
duckbillp and singpolyma joined the channel
seyz, b0bg0d, caseorganic and zztr joined the channel
RT @aral: People—individuals—not companies with financial interests, are the true stewards of the open web.
If he made it open source, and didn't reach the stretch goal, the android port could be done by others....
good idea
indeed. I'm curious about the lack of mention of OpenPhoto.
does anyone know the guy? we should invite him to IndieWebCamp
danbri, herokudevacct, devacct, caseorganic, bnvk, dietrich and caseorga_ joined the channel
RT @aral: People—individuals—not companies with financial interests, are the true stewards of the open web.
caseorganic, b0bg0d, danbri, scor, bnvk, ianloic and caseorga_ joined the channel
Think users just want to use FB/G+/Twitter connect? Go do some user testing: http://identity.mozilla.com/post/45842909320/users-dont-like-social-login #identity #indieweb (ttk.me t4PK1)
RT @t: Think users just want to use FB/G+/Twitter connect? Go do some user testing: http://identity.mozilla.com/post/45842909320/users-dont-like-social-login #identity #indieweb (ttk.me t ...
Interesting. Think users just want to use FB/G+/Twitter connect? Go do some user testing http://identity.mozilla.com/post/45842909320/users-dont-like-social-login /via @t #identity #indieweb
RT @t: Think users just want to use FB/G+/Twitter connect? Go do some user testing: http://identity.mozilla.com/post/45842909320/users-dont-like-social-login #identity #indieweb (ttk.me t ...
b0bg0d joined the channel
RT @t: Think users just want to use FB/G+/Twitter connect? Go do some user testing: http://identity.mozilla.com/post/45842909320/users-dont-like-social-login #identity #indieweb (ttk.me t ...
morrocco_mole, bnvk, smus and jedahan joined the channel