#indieweb 2017-09-23

2017-09-23 UTC
just found this page of chrisaldrich's and i have to say i really like the idea of keeping track of defunct accounts http://boffosocko.com/about/social-media-accounts-and-links/
aaronpk: renem left you a message 17 hours, 27 minutes ago: I always get an "error" when trying to send a Pingback via Telegraph to a website without any further information. Log only says "error", date is Sep 22, 7:28am. Website is reachable and accepts pingbacks.
Social Media Accounts and Links
renem: looks like the endpoint is saying the pingback is already registered. sorry there isn't more info in the telegraph log
snarfed, renem, clintpatty, _6a68, KartikPrabhu, tantek, botka6, botka, [miklb] and [kevinmarks] joined the channel
My Google profile is full of defunct links
gigitux, marinin, clintpatty, sebsel and snarfed joined the channel
[superfeedr] "IndieWebCamp 2017" by Emre Sokullu on 2017-09-23 https://medium.com/@emresokullu/indiewebcamp-2017-5e29b92056b3?source=rss-------1
marinin joined the channel
davidmead joined the channel
wolftune and chimo joined the channel
Your < 10min update on the #IndieWeb community! This Week in the IndieWeb audio edition for Sept 16th - 22nd, 2017. https://martymcgui.re/2017/09/23/122338/
This Week in the IndieWeb Audio Edition • September 16th - 22nd, 2017 https://huffduffer.com/schmarty/432051
wolftune and marinin joined the channel
davidmead, gigitux, gRegorLove, marinin, [benjamin], clintpatty and dansup joined the channel
IndieWebCamp’in ilk Türkiye ayağı 30 Ekim’de İstanbul'da gerçekleşecek. https://goo.gl/aT46Qe https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DKbb2X1WsAExB8O.jpg
IndieWebCamp’in ilk Türkiye ayağı 30 Ekim’de İstanbul'da gerçekleştirilecek. Katılım ücretsizdir. Check It Out! http://ift.tt/2ho9qb5 #t…
IndieWebCamp’in ilk Türkiye ayağı 30 Ekim’de İstanbul'da gerçekleştirilecek. Katılım ücretsizdir. http://ift.tt/2ho9qb5
gigitux, davidmead, gRegorLove, [kevinmarks] and KartikPrabhu joined the channel
[miklb], [benjamin] and wolftune joined the channel
[indienews] New post: "Multi-Photo Support in OwnYourGram" https://aaronparecki.com/2017/09/23/8/ownyourgram-multi-photo
[miklb], snarfed, yar, [benjamin], [kevinmarks], marinin, friedcell and AndChat-663936 joined the channel