This is an automatically-generated summary of the IndieWebCamp wiki edits from June 6-13, 2014
Created by on June 10
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An authorization endpoint is an HTTP endpoint that micropub and IndieAuth clients can use to identify a user or obtain an authorization code to be able to post to their website.
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You can use an existing authorization service such as if you don't want to build your own authorization service.
An authorization endpoint must be able to both generate authorization codes as well as verify authorization codes.
If auth codes are sent as a GET request in the query string, they may leak to log files or the HTTP "referer". The decision was made by the OAuth 2.0 working group to use POST requests and the HTTP Authorization header for sending these sensitive tokens and auth codes.
No, the authorization code must not be used more than once. If the code is used more than once, the authorization server must deny the request.[1] A maximum lifetime of 10 minutes is recommended for the authorization codes, although many implementations have a lifetime of 30-60 seconds.
No, but you can use the "state" parameter to encode or reference additional application-specific parameters. The state parameter will be passed around and was designed for this purpose as well as to prevent CSRF attacks.
Yes, the state parameter can be used by the client to maintain state between the request and the callback, so the auth server must support it. It is also used to prevent CSRF attacks.
Created by on June 9
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Shrewdness is a micropub-enabled reader web app, currently being developed by Barnaby Walters.
After experimenting with a flow-based-programming environment which doubled as a reader, an indieweb personal search engine and an anti-spam tool, I realised that all three things required the exact same plumbing, and that it made the most sense to build them all as one tool. That tool is Shrewdness, named after the collective noun for an aggregation of apes, as its job is going to be aggregating apes.
Feed reader UI mockups, created in Sketch. Main view:
Designing the bootstrapping process, welcoming new users:
The bulk of the plumbing code for shrewdness is the indexing code which takes HTML and dices it up into neat posts which can be indexed by elasticsearch and presented as a feed. In order to test that code a UI is required which, given a feed URL, shows exactly how that feed will be parsed, indexed and displayed.
This, along with some pedagogy, could form the basis of a feed validation tool in the future.
A screenshot of the personal indieweb search engine I made from my link archive:
Some screenshots of the anti-spam tool which got merged in to Shrewdness:
Created by on June 11
Proxies IndieAuth authorization requests to one's OpenID server.
Lets you login with your OpenID server to indieauth sites.
Indieweb enthusiasts currently using it on their own site:
Created by on June 10
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Privacy is “the ability of an individual or group to seclude themselves or information about themselves and thereby express themselves selectively”. [1]
As of 2014-06, anecdotally, most of the work done by the indiewebcamp community has been focused on publishing rather than privacy, although it’s an important factor for many people here, especially as we start publishing data such as checkins and personal metrics --Barnaby Walters 07:45, 10 June 2014 (PDT)
Some sites have a privacy policy, a form of disclosure about what kind of the information the site may retain about users, their usage, and who they might share it with.
Created by on June 8
To follow is the concept of establishing a digital relationship to another person or entity so that you can receive updates from them over a given social media channel. The corresponding verb and action was first implemented by Twitter and then Instagram, it is now on many platforms and part of the digital cultural lexicon.
The difference between following and friending is that to follow does not require an agreement between both parties where as friending does. Following is an asymmetrical relationship, where as friending is symmetrical.
The concept of following is integral to using a reader to consume content from a website or feed. Due to the similarities of "subscribing" to an email list or blog, that should be considered. There
Performing a follow action on all platforms is a one time action done by clicking a button or entering your email address in a field and then clicking a button.
If one is no longer interested in receiving updates from a source, they must perform an unfollow which is another manual action.
There is the idea of a temporary follow, which is like a normal follow, but a temporary follow automatically expires after a certain amount of time or other condition is met.
Blog comments on the WordPress platform have a rough implementation of this idea. Once one leaves a comment "follows" a thread, the WordPress platform asks "Would you like be notified of additions to this conversation?" upon selecting yes, the user is notified of follow up discussion. Aside from WordPress the only app that seems to be doing something in respect to cross platform notifications of updates to conversations is [1]
Some examples where this could be really useful are:
The first example starts to border on the territory of notifications in providing simple UI feedback to a user!
Created by on June 8
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A mention is a post which links to another post without explicitly being in response to it. In contrast, a reply, like, or repost are explicit responses to a post.
See also: webmention, the plumbing used to notify posts that they’ve been linked to
A mention is not really a “type” of post from the publisher’s perspective (i.e. there is no “mention” UI), as any sort of post which can link can implicitly be a mention, as well as potentially being in response to another post.
For example, this post is an explicit reply to this post, and at the same time an implicit mention of this URL.
Mentions typically don’t fit into comment/reply threads and therefore are often displayed separately, or in a more compact manner.
Unlike a like, a mention is not implicitly emotionally positive — a link is not always an endorsement.
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Aaron displays mentions to posts on in an “other mentions” section below likes, reposts and comments, as well as giving the mention count in feed views (example).
Barnaby displays mentions to posts on inline chronologically with other responses, but in a more compact form that explicit comments, and displays mention counts in feed views (example).
Created by on June 9
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Jessica Suttles is a co-founder of Hypernova which is making Homesteading. She lives and works in San Francisco, California.
My site ( is just a placeholder page, but will be powered by Homesteading, which is a work in progress.
Created by on June 9
pmarca is an online alias for Marc Andreessen
Created by on June 9
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Marc Andreessen blogs at and publishes other places with the username pmarca.
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Recently Marc is known for "tweeting" an essay by numbering sequential tweets that are part of a set.
Others have collected his sequences of tweets into essay posts:
How about someone set up a blog for @pmarca - his stuff would be way easier to read. And there’d be a persistent link to it.specifically in the context of Marc's tweets, which he could presumably concatenate into a blog post on his blog if he wanted to.
From an indieweb perspective, why does Marc blog as a series of tweets instead of on his own blog?
Some posts from have gone offline (404) and some have setup archives, e.g.:
Created by on June 9
#indiechat is an IRC channel on for off-topic chat for the IndieWebCamp community. Unlike the main #indiewebcamp channel, the #indiechat channel is not publicly logged.
Created by on June 9
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A quotation is a type of post that includes a subset of the contents of another post, and a citation of that other post.
A quotation of the entirety of another post should be a repost instead.
A quotation which uses the name/title of another post (rather than its content) should be a bookmark instead.
none currently.
Created by on June 12
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h-x-app is a proposed microformats vocabulary for marking up data about software applications.
There's a bunch of research into existing formats and potential properties over on store. See below for current, experimental usage.
Barnaby publishes h-x-app
markup with name, logo/photo and url properties on via Taproot, also marked up as h-product, to provide basic information about the Note Posting UI to authorization UIs.
Created by on June 12
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h-product is a microformats2 vocabulary for marking up product information on the web.
Currently Taproot’s micropub note-posting UI is marked up with h-product and the WIP h-x-app vocabulary to allow authorization UIs to show app details. h-product was the closest matching existing microformats vocab and so will do as a stop-gap as h-x-app is researched.