Sun, June 29 Created page with "== What is the IndieWeb? == The IndieWeb is a people-focused alternative to the ‘corporate web’. {| class="wikitable" style="background-color:#F8FCF7; border: 1px #eaf6e8 so..."
Sun, June 29 /* What is the IndieWeb? */
Sun, June 29 /* What is the IndieWeb? */
The IndieWeb is a people-focused alternative to the ‘corporate web’.
Your content is yours When you post something on the web, it should belong to you, not a corporation. Too many companies have gone out of business and lost all of their users’ data. By joining the IndieWeb, your content stays yours and in your control.
You are better connected Your articles and status messages can go to all services, not just one, allowing you to engage with everyone. Even replies and likes on other services can come back to your site so they’re all in one place.
You are in control You can post anything you want, in any format you want, with no one monitoring you. In addition, you share simple readable links such as These links are permanent and will always work.
Beyond Blogging and Decentralization
The IndieWeb effort is different from previous efforts/communities:
Homebrew Website Club is a biweekly meetup of people passionate about or interested in creating, improving, building, designing their own website, in the same structure as the Homebrew Computer Club meetings.[1]
We meet every other Wednesday* right after work, 18:30-19:30, across cities and online.
IndieWebCamp is a gathering of web creators building & sharing open web technologies to advance the state of the indie web. We get together for a weekend to discuss how we can empower people to own their identities and data, then spend a day hacking & creating.
The fourth annual IndieWebCamp will for the first time be simultaneously held on West (ESRI R&D, Portland) and East (The New York Times, New York City) coasts from
-, 10:00-18:00.
Where: East & West, respectively:
The New York Times, 40th Ave & 8th St., New York City, USA.
ESRI R&D Center, 309 SW 6th Ave, Suite 600, Portland, Oregon, USA.
RSVP on the 2014 Guest List. Sign in with your domain and add yourself! Attendees must actively create for their personal domain name, or be an apprentice to someone who does.
Mon, June 30 Created page with "IndieWebCamp 2014 Portland Demos June 29, 2014 4PM-ish == Fix the wiki == Crystal, Peat, Lillian, Reid CSS instead of tables - Used the Foundation CSS framework Responsive desi..."
Mon, June 30 added some more meat to the description
Mon, June 30 Adding link to IRC logs for NYC demo notes
Wed, July 2 /* Phillip */ Provide a bit of clarification and expansion on my demo
Fri, July 4 formatting, add intro demos
Using Processwire content management framework, PHP/MySQL
Indie plugin Wordpress installer on Indiebox
Johannes Ernst: create a full Wordpress install, with several pre-activated indie web plugins, with a single command, on IndieBox running on VirtualBox. (plugins: web mention, semantic linkbacks, social.) Works the same on physical IndieBox. A Site JSON file describes the configuration, IndieBox does the rest (database provisioning, access control, web server configuration, software download etc.). Still requires manual connection to Facebook and Twitter because we can't script Facebook and Twitter authorizations.
Federated Wiki
Ward Cunningham
How do edits get joined back together? Inspired by lots of questions about how to merge changes and thinking about it for 3 years, he implemented it today!
Icons indicate previous states of the wiki
When mousing over a paragraph the corresponding edit icons light up
Not a website, but a web interface for a "thing[1]."
DEJE is a distributed hosted JSON system, with a cool permission system that does not rely on central services (except as message routing). The immediate use for this is a massively democratic DNS registry, designed to provide plenty of room for experimentation within its own format, but also capable of forwarding to other alternative DNS's (and even resolving traditional ICANN). In this way, it's a meta-alt-DNS.
DEJE is capable of a lot more than storing DNS data, though. It's smart enough that you can play a game of chess, where the rules of chess are not built into either client, but the rules are built into the document content itself, and events like "rook to B6" can be validated against current board state and turn, and applied to the JSON data. One player could be on a very basic text mode client that knows nothing about chess, the other could be using a fancy OpenGL-based 3D client that only does chess. Both clients would be fully capable of enforcing the rules on each other, and the server would act as nothing more than a routing intermediary.
The protocol is, by choice, something that browsers can speak as easily as any command line client. Thus, browsers are first class citizens, but also not the only first class citizens. The demo was of a browser-based interface to the protocol, which allows for monitoring message broadcasts, constructing and publishing raw messages, and creating and publishing new events (changes to the document state). This interface has been maturing a bit since then on Github. [2]
Erin dev instance
Known did not have a good system for providing people with a lot of theme options
Worked on a theme
Cleaned up some of the interface for posting types and sign up
Pretty soon they'll have a couple theme options for people who sign up.
"Static Hosting on the Cheap"
Easy to use and possibly anonymous/obscured identity for pseudonyms artists activists.
Hook to push to
Creating a new markdown file for a post, save, git push, triggers a rebuild on the static site
Indiewebified tumblr theme for the purpose of introduction to web publishing and indieweb sites. A good demonstration on how to "hack their way out of the box"
rel-me links, posts marked up correctly
Link format posts can function as replies. Webmentions sent manually.
Since it's a tumblr theme, it automatically marks up all your previous posts
you get your own subdomain out of the box, but you can also use your own domain.
Bridgy supports tumblr webmention sending and backfeeding data.
Global callback URLs on quantified self data, to keep track of your data on your own site.
Can be used to synchronize data back to their website?
using localstorage for email tokenization
Related to personas in some way… demo troubles. Someone add details here?
Mockup of sharing the content you're viewing with friends in real time.
The web is a solitary activity. Lets you brows the web with your friends in realtime. Would be done through a tabbed interface and allow for sharing of movies and music listening. Would make browsing the web kind more of a shared experience.
Includes a text chat view.
When a new person joins the group…
You could touch through to information on someone else's screen (without disturbing them?)
You could rate and review other peoples web history. YouBrowser!
Aaron demoing on behalf of Tantek in NY
It would be way cooler if contacts were just on your homescreen and you can interact with them, instead of going into an app and then selecting a contact.
Tantek set up a page on his site that resembles iOs and lists his preferred contact methods in order.
Aaron saved the page as a bookmark on his homescreen, shows up as a photo of tantek.
Opened the bookmark from his homescreen, Facetimed Tantek, and then the iPod died shortly after.
Micropub endpoint working for a static site.
Automates the git workflow, pushes result to a site.
Publishing a photo to instagram, will pull it back in realtime.
Showed up on his site within a few seconds.
Worked on refactoring and cleaning up code. Lots of work to do still, but the app is a good reference for anyone interested in this model.
Kyle likes the simplicity of and emphasis of content on (fellow indiewebbers),
This is what was in the back of my head designing my site. elegant and minimal —
when you scroll past a section header, it fades in in the left sidebar to retain context. has lots of indieweb data on the post permalink page but it's instantly obvious which ones are the most important's page is well-balanced. The navigation elements fade in a few seconds after loading, so that your eye is first drawn to the content.
Darin: what's everyone's experience of working with UX people; they seem like sort of a mythical race
design for desktop or mobile? Kyle: mostly expect desktop, try for graceful degradation to mobile
Jason: is a fun example of a site that has texture and atmosphere.
(thoughts added later by Kyle) part of the fun of having your own site is having it look however you want, why not make it fun and unique? doesn't have to look "professional"
lots going on, without feeling flashy or cluttered, in contrast to the more minimalist approaches above.
public/commercial sites: don't usually focus on being pretty or particularly user-friendly. "the walmart of webdesign", public doesn't mind scraping through all that barf (looking at you Amazon)
although Amazon occasionally does something cool with their front page like replace the whole thing with a Kindle roll out
Apple sort of converges for-profit and beautiful design. doesn't hurt that all their products go nicely together.
gRegor: likes
Darrin: PsyHigh uses a hand modified theme from navigation elements collapse to a dropdown menu for mobile. Kyle thinks Known should do this ;)
emmak: fundamental problem, usability. can people find what they're looking for. notes vs. replies vs. articles -- no precedent for that that non-indieweb-people are familiar with. when I'm looking at a site, I expect:
navigation on top
archives (calendar view) along the right side bar
about-me on the left sidebar
notes vs. articles - notes are basically plain-text, embed links, use italics,
Kartik: If Aaron reposts Barnaby's post, he would keep a copy of the original on his repost. Now if Barnaby deletes the original should Aaron still keep a copy? What if the original post is copyrighted.
I want to implement reposts on my site so I keep a copy regardless, and also POSSE native retweet on Twitter.
Repost+comment: an emerging pattern on Twitter is to add a comment before retweeting as in "comment by retweeter" RT: @originalposter original post
Google can't find ♺
Nor Bing
But it's on Wikipedia:
Unicode: U+267A ♺ recycling symbol for generic materials
Repost UI:
You enter a URL to repost (or click a repost button)
Your software asks for confirmation:
"Repost this to your followers?"
(preview of your repost... )
(Cancel) (Repost)
UI sketches:
Reposting a tweet, retweet, or indie post (repost) with POSSE tweet. Whiteboard:
Reposting an indie post WITHOUT a POSSE tweet - how do you POSSE to Twitter? Either you don't, or if you do:
♺ "--------..."
"------" = up to 99 characters
... - regardless of truncation include original permalink at end of POSSE copy (instead of permalink to your repost) Whiteboard:
• - – Homebrew Website Club broadcast & peer-to-peer meetup & beforehand:
• optional 17:30-18:30 – quiet writing hour for the venues that explicitly have it.
All times are Pacific Time unless otherwise noted in venues.
new! 17:30-18:30 Writing hour before the meetup. Come on by to blog or do other writing quietly.
Homebrew Website Club Meetup: Are you building your own website? Indie reader? Personal publishing web app? Or some other digital magic-cloud proxy? If so, come on by and join a gathering of people with likeminded interests. Bring your friends that want to start a personal web site. Exchange information, swap ideas, talk shop, help work on a project...
Twilio is an SMS and voice telephony service. You can set up Twilio to make and receive calls over HTTP, and more interestingly to send and receive SMS. has had Twilio-based SMS integration since 2013-07-13:
I can send an SMS text message to a UK-based landline number from any phone and the content of the SMS gets sent via HTTP POST webhooks to a private endpoint on my site. The body of the HTTP POST message contains XML that lists the phone number it came from, the content of the message and assorted metadata. If it came from an authorised number, it is posted to my site in the same way that a post submitted on the web would be.
After the post has been made, my server sends back a blob of XML to the server in the response, and Twilio sends an SMS message back to the phone with the URL of the post. The post is tagged as being "via sms" (in the old style of Twitter)—examples: [1][2][3].
I went to France earlier in 2014 and had no roaming on my iPhone. I wanted to post something to my site, so I could actually post it from my £10 Nokia 1000 pay-as-you-go phone while roaming in France.
Sun, June 29 Created page with "== Exporting Your Data == '''In iTunes 11, this option is located under File > Library.''' The best way is to ignore the 'Export Library' option and select 'Export Playlist.' T..."
In iTunes 11, this option is located under File > Library.
The best way is to ignore the 'Export Library' option and select 'Export Playlist.' The playlist is determined by which playlist you select in the sidebar. This includes 'Music', which represents your library, so you can export your entire library from there. The reason the 'Export Playlist' option is preferred is because you have the option to export as XML or tab delimited CSV (represented as Text or Unicode Text), whereas 'Export Library' only offers XML.
If you want a more meaningful dataset and not literally every piece of information stored in iTunes, you can select all the items in your Library (Cmd +A) and then File > New > Playlist From Selection. Select that playlist and View > Show View Options (or Cmd + J) and select or deselect the columns you want represented in your dataset. Then export that playlist.
I prefer to export as CSV because I find it more manipulable. You can import it into Excel or OpenOffice and export it as another format. You can also import it as CSV into Base and use it in a sqlite3 database, or export it from there as JSON, MySQL, or back to XML.
And then you can build cool tools to manage this information outside of iTunes, or even visualizations with it.
Sound of Summer
13+ years of iTunes metadata exported in this fashion and turned into a visualization about summer listening habits.
Homebrew Website Club is a biweekly meetup of people passionate about or interested in creating, improving, building, designing their own website, in the same structure as the Homebrew Computer Club meetings.[1]
We meet every other Wednesday* right after work, 18:30-19:30, across cities and online.
IndieWebCamp is a gathering of web creators building & sharing open web technologies to advance the state of the indie web. We get together for a weekend to discuss how we can empower people to own their identities and data, then spend a day hacking & creating.
The fourth annual IndieWebCamp will for the first time be simultaneously held on West (ESRI R&D, Portland) and East (The New York Times, New York City) coasts from
-, 10:00-18:00.
Where: East & West, respectively:
The New York Times, 40th Ave & 8th St., New York City, USA.
ESRI R&D Center, 309 SW 6th Ave, Suite 600, Portland, Oregon, USA.
RSVP on the 2014 Guest List. Sign in with your domain and add yourself! Attendees must actively create for their personal domain name, or be an apprentice to someone who does.
Thu, July 3 dfn, copy prev photo brainstorming content from photo page itself
photo brainstorming is a page where indieweb users who are working out how to publish photos on their own site can document design challenges, issues, brainstorm ideas and show examples of photography on the web that inspires them.
Ben Werdmuller wondered if you could tag people in photos by linking to their profiles using HTML imagemaps (!) and marking up the imagemap links with microformats. That might look something like:
Instagram (as much as you can fake a POSSE post to Instagram)
Wikimedia Commons (as a commons rather than a silo, it may make sense to start POSSEing here as a backup/distribution/CDN mechanism)
In addition, it makes sense to consider POSSEing to generic silos, despite the fact that they will only retain a (likely) lower resolution copy of your photo:
Twitter - as a native Twitter photo tweet, using TwitterAPI update_with_media
(Not sure if this belongs here or on Twitter page, but capturing as part of this for now.)
Advantages to POSSEing actual photos to Twitter, rather than just a link to a photo post on your site with Twitter Cards metacrap markup:
Further distribute the use of Twitter kind of like a CDN for your photos
People see a larger version of the photo via a phototweet than a Twittercard
Usual avoid metacrap (silo-specific meta tags) advantage
Photo tweets work immediately, whereas photo cards require that Twitter whitelist your domain for cards in general (and maybe in particular for photo cards?)
Using the TwitterAPI hides the proprietariness, whereas using twittercards means your own website has proprietary metacrap on it
Twittercards set a worse example (proprietary metacrap) for others that may view source
Hosting my own photos has been something I've been wanting to do for a while. This is partly because I'm unhappy with most of the silos I've used:
Instagram — fine for the odd snap, but I use it in private mode because there's no easy way of having privacy controls.
Facebook — fine for putting up photos of friends, but... it's Facebook and they creep me out.
Flickr — one word: Yahoo! It's been redesigned a couple of times now, not necessarily for the better.
Wikimedia Commons — I'm reasonably confident Commons will stick around, but am unhappy with some of the administrative politics (and deeply distrust some of the administrators), and it has a limited scope—hosting only "freely-licensed educational media content". Commons is a great place to host some but not all content I wish to post. Commons is also very rigid about copyright: it attempts to adhere to copyright in both the United States and in the country where the photograph was taken. Some photos taken in France, Belgium, Italy and (with obscure exceptions) the Netherlands which do not have freedom of panorama cannot be hosted on Commons even though the images are legal in my country of citizenship, the United Kingdom.
Ideally, I want to host my own photos and have some of them stored elsewhere. The ones I don't want to be public are probably best stored on Facebook.
Urban75 — Urban75 is an old-school staple of British independent web publishing. The layout is very 90s but the photography is pretty good, and the information architecture makes me want to explore it more.
Fri, July 4 copy notes from etherpad
some things that are tracking things and the things they are tracking:
/steps (walks)
p-steps.p-qs-steps : 9000
p-steps.p-qs-miles : 4.2 miles
p-steps.p-qs-kilometers : 19.7 kilometers
p-weight.p-qs-pounds : 135 lbs
p-weight.p-qs-kilograms : 8 kg
p-type : pushups
p-count : 100
p-weight: 100lbs
p-weight: 40kg
generally, want a count, a unit (unit of measure), a type (type of measure / what you're measuring)
qs nouns!
location (lat/lng)
bike rides
scrobbles (music)
car2go drives
You probably want some way to mark these kinds of things (as well as things like replies), and classify different ways to group and treat them differently. E.g. steps, bikes, runs, pushups are all "exercise" things, and you might want to filter all of those out, or just style them differently, or put them in the sidebar or whatever.
Sun, June 29 sandro Created page with "The story is fairly clear from these three posts. Note how many comments there are. <a href="">Changes to User Subdomains</a> Krissy (lj..."
The story is fairly clear from these three posts. Note how many comments there are.
extensible -- adding fields (for example a tattoo artist wants to use this for a CRM where a field might be what tattoo people want)
could also be useful for sharing -- URL for people who can log in
each silo has their own address books
earlier work: FOAF. but, it was in RDF, XML with namespaces etc., a lot of people made FOAFs and didn't do anything with them
XFN was a response to FOAF (that's where the rel= came from)
POCO (portable contacts), didn't really go anywhere
^^^ what does this have to do with UI? Nothing
used by programs, used by people. one scenario where it's used by a person: what's Ben's phone number? (but why don't you just go to his site? he may not have published it)
it's a private address book; and it's a friends list. (it's two taste treats in one!)
possibly: names and URLs [optionally] public; other attributes are private
filter is categories by who looks at it
on a social network, the people on your friends list are the people you subscribe to. that's not the same as the general address book.
XFN has relationship types; they're only positive (no enemy, nemesis, etc.)
Johannes wants a relationship between the things in his contacts and everything he's had to do with them. if that's available as a service, then can do interesting things with apps on it
Shane sees this (and smart linking, reader, private posts, and many other things) as on top of the address book
You can install lots of apps on the indiebox, but they often don't share any data. They're stovepipes. You can't share between mediawiki and known and etc etc. It'd be nice if everything could read from an indie address book.
Would Known use a contacts app? Yes definitely. So when they syndicate out to other services they can look up how to link to the person. @t on twitter. for the web... etc If not everyone has an indie web site but they are mentioned on one, it would be good if they could still be notified
^^^ rel=me already solves that today
1. get someone's URL (e.g.
2. collect all their rel=me links (optionally confirm them) - phpmf2 gives you this in JSON
3. if you're looking for a particular silo profile, look it up by domain (e.g.
what about things that aren't public? like doctors
Doctors have websites. Their websites should simply markup their existing contact info with h-card. Doctor's phone numbers are usually public (or at least their answering service).
you appear to have a different relationship with your doctor than i do :) when i ask them to change their website they laugh
Does your doctor not have a website? (perhaps only in the future-world of SF do doctors have websites?)
they don't have their cell # on their web site but i have it
so this is for legacy backward compat?
most of my friends don't have their phone numbers on the web
friends phone numbers, home addresses, urls, home pages, silo urls, keys, birthrates, death dates, interactions with contact, following status, significant dates, photos/avatars, email, IM, irc handles, canoncial source (URL), recency, catgories of people, type of relationship (all of hcard basically)
Shane asks but which ones matter to the person who is using it?
What is the use-case here that has to do with your own website? Really confused.
Your website could use these to syndicate with the right links is the only one I've heard. Also the human aspect of normal address books, going to look up peoples things.
I think that could be a starting point but sometimes I have more information on someone than is on their site, or they don't have an indiewebs ite.
So you want bookmarks with a description field you add to?
i often have contact info for people where i don't have their website (or for that matter don't even have a website). am i just unusual that way?
^ NO - this is important. All information really has to be optional (except perhaps some kind of human-friendly identifier)
I for one would not feel comfortable storing SOMEONE ELSE'S PRIVATE INFORMATION on *my server*. **I don't want that level of responsibility**. So perhaps I can duck out of this then. -t
^^ You already store this information in your phone, though? Also, maybe _that's_ where this could live?
Local devices are totally different security context than ANY server.
TOTALLY different level of responsibility. Also why I don't trust any auto-sync cloud services (not to be compromised - which they are all the time).
good point.
Ben says what if this all lived on your phone? Could we use it from there?
But also: what information _would_ you feel comfortable with? Simple following / followed list?
So if this is about storing all your addressbook info (other's info) on *your* server, then I suppose I'm not interested in this use-case for my website.
The reason I don't like storing data is because data decays and I don't want to have to *tend* yet another data source and keep it fresh --bear
Again, does that also apply to friends lists?
social conventions exist for this kind of information; we shouldn't just handwave these away. for example, if you share a phone number, there's an expectation that you won't reshare it. [although if you put a phone number into an iphone and it gets synced to icloud, it's shared that way]
(and that's a reason I don't use iCloud and I don't trust it.)
ditto. (and the same for google) although it's true that i'm at the mercy of whoever i share my info with.
architectural question: does data exist on friends website and i retrieve it when i need it (perhaps caching it)? (YES)
or is the copy in my address book the definitive one?
No, becase then it gets out of date when your friends change their information.
why not have a "people" post-type where you can save contacts as h-cards? publish it if you'd like, maybe a private feed? I think this is the idea Shane started with gotcha!
when you go to on your phone, it has action buttons: text me, IM me, email me. (or it will in the future
Known does that as well. allows people to self-represent their email information. Ben: still, it's onerous to parse this each time.
maybe we should focus on an "indiecontactlist" instead of a full-fledged address books
hcard with vendor-specific prefixes
prefixes for what? what use-cases are you trying to solve? (there may already be solutions - don't jump to inventing new/vendor-specific things without first *documenting* the use-cases you think need solving) is talking about is static sites. he uses github pages as a way to host simple static html pages. mostly just updated by hand.
also using js apps on a single page, using the url as a primary input for the app
crystal is showing her static sites integration with mail chimp. It use a simple form element that submits to an external website. using mailchimp as a database
Sean is piping jinja template output through beautiful soup in order to clean up the generated html. tempting systems generate messy or hard to read html sometimes.
paul flask frozen freezes the output of a rendered sites
ways to store state:
url hash
third party service / widgets
your own db
git repository / github gist
if you had to work on one thing for a static website tomorrow, what would you do?
build a gitpub app / web interfaces for modifying content in a git repository
patterns for extending static sites with indieweb integrations:
have a separate service which modifies the static content directly (eg modifying a git repository) and responds to endpoints
embed js widgets to pull in data from another service (which you can host or your friend can host for you - can be multitenant, eg)
canonical format for content: html or markdown or other?
Fri, July 4 copy notes from etherpad
Getting started with Known
goal: as easy as (or easier than) wordpress, or for people who don't host their own - as easy as signing up on Tumblr
works either as a single-user or multi-user site
can write plugins to add additional post types (like chickens)
who are the competitors? wordpress, primarily; to a lesser extent tumblr ("a tumblr that you own"), hootsuite and buffer (from the syndication aspects)
Early in the web, it was easy to have, e.g., a LiveJournal. As you develop a public persona, it becomes harder to post things which are unfinished
Need a cloud-based place to put notes, etc
Setting up private blogs, sites for small audiences
How do people feel about the security of posting private info on a web site?
Amber: ok if its my own server; not ok on
After setting up Wordpress
limit login attempts
p2 theme. boom, a social network!
custom login. customize what people can see without logging in
more privacy options: set reading visibility to network users, or site admins only
p2 likes: like posts
simple local avatars: upload a picture, user profile, etc.
p2 resolved posts: edited the plugin codes so that the choices are "flag new" and "flag read"
peter's login redirect: send individual users to specific parts of a site (without having to do multisite)
who's online: just what you'd expect from the name! if you add it ot the sidebar, shows who's online whenever you log in
chatroom: live chat. can also add video plugins
can set up wordpress app from iphone to post to this site. when i take notes, i do it through the wordpress app; they all get timestamped etc. works offline, when my phone's in airplane mode it queues them up
you can tag things, install additional plugins to get deeper categorization
what about search? could set it up as a single multi-site
notifications? one of them i check it regularly, as frequently as facebook. and if they need me to look at it right now, they'll text me. "if i got a ping every single time somebody updates something here, i'd go insane". there might be a plugin to set a custom post type or specific tag and you'll get notified on your site. without any code at all you could use IfThisThenThat.
A calendar would be really nice too, but it hasn't gotten that annoying yet. Calendering sucks, but I don't want to share my Google calendar.
(lengthy discussion about multiple identities and pseudonymity)
interesting to think of places that embrace different kinds of temporality
ephemerality no usernames, you're represented by a 2-second moving gif, so you need to have an idea of who's there to make sense of it [your hash has a time-based component]. 10-minute buffer. anybody who's there *can* archive that, but it's not the cultural norms. not "private" in that you'd feel comfortable discussing financials or overthrowing the state, but it's a very different feel. it's a community norm to use your face.
Sat, June 28 Created page with "[ Jon Pincus] is a software engineer / entrepreneur / strategist, currently developing the open-source social network platform TapestryMaker."
Jon Pincus is a software engineer / entrepreneur / strategist, currently developing the open-source social network platform TapestryMaker.
When submitting a podcast URL to iTunes, be sure to submit a URL on a domain that you control. For example, if using Libsyn to host your podcast mp3s, don't submit the RSS URL that they provide. Instead, host a page on your domain that sends a "302 Found" temporary redirect to the Libsyn URL.
Changing podcast hosting providers
Podcast URL under your control
If your podcast URL is on your own domain, then you can just change the 302 redirect to point to the new hosting provider.
Podcast URL not under your control
If your podcast URL is not on your own domain, then the ability to change your URL is limited by whether your current host allows you to.
Note: After saving, you may have to bypass your browser's cache to see the changes.Mozilla / Firefox / Safari: hold Shift while clicking Reload, or press either Ctrl-F5 or Ctrl-R (Command-R on a Macintosh);
Konqueror: click Reload or press F5;
Opera: clear the cache in Tools → Preferences;
Internet Explorer: hold Ctrl while clicking Refresh, or press Ctrl-F5.
Wed, July 2 Created page with "<span class="h-card">{{sparkline|}}[[|Kevin Marks]]</span>"
Thu, July 3 stub from IWC HW 2013 session, plus recalling more thoughts, and updates per Twitter
This article is a stub. You can help the IndieWebCamp wiki by expanding it.
pin or pinning is a feature that allows the author to choose a post to put at the top of their profile (or homepage) which is then called a pinned or sticky post.
Thu, July 3 Created page with "People love Slack HQ. They make it clear to see who’s speaking with avatars and whitespace, offset the speaker from the text, make it clear what the person said, and de-emphasi..."
People love Slack HQ. They make it clear to see who’s speaking with avatars and whitespace, offset the speaker from the text, make it clear what the person said, and de-emphasize the timestamp and room actions. They also support emoji. Caveat: I’ve never used it, I just know they’re doing something right because people are fanatical about it.
Sat, June 28 /* Remote Participants */ used glenjones twitter pic
Sat, June 28 remove "sunday only" text for name
Sat, June 28 /* East */ Add Paddy to list of attendees.
Sat, June 28 /* East */ Bump creator count
Sat, June 28 /* East */ Removing edits until I figure out what I'm doing--not sure I count as a creator yet. Will find out in the morning, I guess!
Thu, July 3 /* working on */ updating CASSIS NewBase60 to CC0 for willnorris
Thu, July 3 note highlevel goals: replace all my Twitter/FB usage with my own site instead prioritize a few inbox requests to community actions, move working on further up