This is an automatically-generated summary of the IndieWebCamp wiki edits from October 17-24, 2014
Created by on October 20
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mp-config is a method of using a query to a micropub endpoint to allow you indie website to discover user support for webactions.
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mp-config provides a server-side alternative to indie-config for discovering the user's action handler URLs. This method does not require a JavaScript or a custom schema handler to be registered in the browser, but it does require the user to support micropub and be signed in on the site they are browsing.
Along the same lines as micropub#Discovering_Supported_Syndication_Targets, external sites could query the micropub endpoint for a list of action handler URLs.
1. Aaron signs in to Barnaby's site with the "config" scope.
2. Barnaby's site issues a GET request to Aaron's micropub endpoint, which replies with a url-encoded list of actions and their associated handler URL
GET /micropub_endpoint?q=actions
Authorization: Bearer xxxxxxxxx
3. When Barnaby renders indie-action elements, he substitutes Aaron's configured action handlers for Twitter intent URLs or whatever fallback he would normally use.
Micropub in general uses application/x-www-urlencoded to pass information back and forth. Some implementers prefer to return action -> URLs as a JSON object. Kyle Mahan will currently handle either one based on the value of the Content-Type header.
There is no real secure information given in the list of endpoints. In fact you want this to be as readily available as possible. As such I think the Auth header on the request to q=actions should be dropped. - Ben Roberts
<link rel="indie_config">
would work just as well and would be a much lower bar for most sites to implement 21:43, 20 October 2014 (PDT)
Rather than have a separate config for indie config Ben Roberts queries ?q=indie-config to pull up configs formatted for use with [indie-config]
In order to modify the list and allow different micropub clients to act for different actions, we could add some ability for a micropub client (when given "config" scope) to offer itself as a new client for an action. so it submits ?q=config&action="reply"&url="{url}"
Created by on October 18
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This text is a mirror from the official page.[1]
Squiso wants to create a decentralized open social web, by allowing users to host their own social data or trust a service provider of their choice.
All your public social data (such as your activities, notes, photo-albums, blog posts, etc) are stored in well structured JSON files on the web.
You can host and maintain your own data files (such as on your Dropbox, or via your own web server), yourself or find a Squiso service provider you trust if you don't want to avoid all the technical hassle.
Each user has a "main data file". This file basically acts as an entry point for your data (for any Squiso tools). In this file you have your basic social data, such as a name, description, any personal links, other users your might be following, etc.
This file can however link to other files (with a similar structure) that contains additional data, such as all your blog posts or photos. Using this principle we are slowly building an open web of social data.
Given everything is on the world wide web, your "main data file" will get its own URL. The address to this is totally based on how and where you want to host your data. Some examples could be though:
However since the solution is decentralized, if you want to give away the location of your data to someone who wants to follow you, or if you want to follow someone else, you use the address to social data (compared to your username at a centralized solution).
That's about it!
For multiple reasons:
Basically a user's data files that contains their social data
Tools that can interpret data files and show them in a fancy way for other users. Here is a demo:
Services that allow users to host and maintain their social data using their solution.
Created by on October 23
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These Small Computers are low-power computers that are useful as servers and special-use controllers for a variety of applications. They can all run web servers and related software, though with limited capability.
Your server needs to be capable enough to handle the tasks you ask of it, but also should consume very little power when idle. Depending on your application, different storage and Input/Output options may be important. There are many questions to ask when choosing a Small Computer, but here are a few to start:
Raspberry Pi | $40 | |
Beagle bone Black | $65 | |
Intel Galileo | $85 | |
Intel NUC | $150 - $400 | |
pico-ITX Systems | $120 - $400 | |
nano-ITX Systems | $150 - $500 | |
mini-ITX Systems | $150 - $700 | |
Created by on October 19
Varnish is a caching HTTP reverse proxy, a.k.a. an HTTP accelerator.
Cacheable responses delivered by a server (e.g. nginx, Apache HTTP server, Lighttpd) are cached by Varnish, provided a set of requirements defined as HTTPFeatures.
Cached responses are served to client applications (browsers) by Varnish when they are considered fresh enough.
See also
Created by on October 20
More later...
Created by on October 20
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real-time comments are the display of comments on a view of a post (typically on its permalink) as they are received by the post (presumably via webmention), without needing any explicit user reloading, refreshing, or any other tapping/clicking etc.
Real-time comments are one of several real-time interactions.
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Aaron Parecki uses p3k on post permalinks to show real-time comments since 2013-10-13.
Real-time comments are a silo innovation.
Facebook was perhaps the first silo to implement real-time comments since 2012(?) at least, on both post permalinks, and sometimes on posts in a stream or in a collection.
Twitter, as of their mid-2014 front-end redesign, now supports (sometimes) showing real-time comments on tweet permalinks:
Created by on October 18
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incremental authorization is the practice, even pattern, of only requesting permissions when they are needed for the current user-action, for example, when requesting OAuth authorization, read, write, delete permission, or similarly with Micropub.
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The incremental authorization pattern is important to the indieweb by way of Micropub client design.
Micropub clients should follow the incremental authorization pattern, and only ask for the absolute minimal permissions they need for any particular user action, when the user attempts the action, rather than at sign-up / install time.
The practice of incremental authorization is being encouraged by more and more silos.
Various silos have begun to explicitly implement incremental authorization, and make it clear that they do, and why they do.
all use Twitter for log-in, but none of them require write-access up-front.[1]
(this may deserve its own page if it grows significantly)
Incremental authorization practices are largely a reaction to recognizing that requesting all or many permissions up front was rude and disrespectful of users, and thus an antipattern.
Articles about this misbehavior:
Created by on October 17
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photos-of is a feature on various silos that shows a list of photos that have been person-tagged with a particular person (typically most recent first).
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Facebook appears to have this feature, but not clear if it works without login.
Flickr has had this feature for a few years at least.
Instagram has a "photos of" feature that is accessible in their native mobile applications, but it's not clear if it can be used on the web.
Created by on October 20
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"Tragedy of the comments" is a phrase coined by Kevin Marks
Created by on October 18
fiatjaf is an economist, anarchist, conservative, olavete, programmer from Lagoa Santa, MG.
Created by on October 21
The scrapbook was a feature of the late silo orkut (see site-deaths) still, to this day, a kind of messaging platform unseen in any other social network or hosted service.
The scrapbook provided a hybrid between the personal messaging and the publishing, it was somewhat similar to posting at a friend's wall on Facebook, or tweeting to a friend, or commenting at a blog post, but different in the following senses:
So, as it wasn't such a big deal as posting at a friend's wall on Facebook, it:
fiatjaf is trying to bring the Orkut scrapbook to the web with scrapboard.
Created by on October 21
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real-time interactions are the display of interactions on a view of a post (typically on its permalink) as they are received by the post (presumably via webmention), without needing any explicit user reloading, refreshing, or any other tapping/clicking etc.
Typical real-time interactions include:
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Aaron Parecki uses p3k on post permalinks to show since 2013-10-13:
Real-time interactions are a silo innovation.
Facebook was perhaps the first silo to implement real-time interactions since 2012(?) at least, on both post permalinks, and sometimes on posts in a stream or in a collection. In particular, both:
Twitter, as of their mid-2014 front-end redesign, now supports (sometimes) showing real-time interactions on tweet permalinks:
Created by on October 23
gif is a bitmap image format introduced by CompuServe in 1987.
'Oh, incidentally, it's pronounced "JIF"'
Created by on October 21
Johnny Oskarsson is a student living in Gothenburg, Sweden.
A way to do an "identity transform" on my MF2/HTML-pages. Currently I'm losing some meta-data when editing pages using my CMS. This will also help when I want to add data (such as webmentions) to an existing page.
Currently one can send webmentions to my webmention endpoint, and they will be validated (asynchronously). The webmentions will not show up anywhere since I need to solve the above task first ("Identity transform").
mfget <file.html /items/entry/name [...]
mfget <file.html x/items/entry/name
(This way it is easier to use `cut' and other command-line tools without worrying.)
mfget <file.html /items/entry[]/name
I have built a "simple" CMS using a sort of templating system. The templates are basically HTML files with some shell script sprinkled throughout. The "identity transform" described above is a milestone in this project, which I have yet to complete.
I am trying to operate on the data already stored in my MF2/HTML as much as possible. See the "Identity transform" section above.
of my pages. I do however use CSS to show the <link>
-elements which are residing in <head>
. This is because most crawlers only look for rel="alternate"
in head, and putting the same link in <body>
for the sake of navigation would be a violation of DRY.
elements in <head>
if they have a title-attribute set. Why modern graphical browsers don't allow this by default is beyond me.
For some reason I thought it would be cool to have bilingual support on my website. Perhaps mostly because I thought it would be silly to host primarily English content on a Swedish ccTLD (.se). Obviously communication with the Indieweb community will mostly be English, so that leaves me with no choice. Who knows, if I keep using a frontpage with an obscure language then perhaps people will be more willing to code in language detection on their websites as well :)
-attribute set on the html tag, and a link to a translation with rel="alternate"
, hreflang="..."
, and href="..."
I am not a big "blogger", but I do like movies. So I want to POSSE some small thoughts I have on the subject of film to some film-reviewing silo, such as MUBI. I already have an account there, so I might just as well try to incorporate support for it.
Created by on October 23
Created by on October 23
until proper notes are posted, here is the beginning of demos in IRC:
Created by on October 18
Welcome to the planning page for 2015 IndieWebCamps!
The following are currently being planned:
Want to help out with one of those? Say something in IRC and add yourself to the page.
Want to organize a 2015 IndieWebCamp in your town and don't see it above?
Start with:
IndieWebCamps | |
2015 | DC • Providence • SF • NYC • Portland/NYC/Berlin • UK • Cambridge |
2014 | SF • NYC • Portland/NYC/Berlin • UK • Cambridge |
2013 | Portland • UK • Hollywood |
2012 | Portland • UK |
2011 | Portland |
Created by on October 17
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Food is a post type that represents eating or drinking particular food or drink. Its content is often similar to a note or can be easily represented as plain text.
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Aaron Parecki uses his open source Teacup web and Pebble app to track food and drink consumption and publish to his website since 2014-10-03, with his backlog imported back to 2013-08-19.
Created by on October 19
My name is Christoffer. Squeakytoy in the IRC. This is my Website.
Created by on October 21
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Created by on October 21
Hi, I'm Chris.