This is an automatically-generated summary of the IndieWebCamp wiki edits from February 20-27, 2015
Created by on February 21
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OPML stands for Outline Processor Markup Language, an XML-based format and defacto standard used for feed lists interchange.
In the context of IndieWeb, the idea of OPML could be interesting as a representation of whom you follow. Since it is supported by a variety of sources, It could be a good candidate to solve the "how do you discover people" question.
The advantage of using OPML is its support, however, like RSS, the standard has some limitations.
Alternative: publish a visible blogroll on the home page or somewhere on your site and mark it up with XFN.
If you want to show to the world who you follow, you can share an opml file on your website.
List of sites doing it:
Created by on February 26
User page for Bryan Schuetz
zero-gravitas on IRC
Created by on February 25
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unfurling is what Slack calls link-preview per
Created by on February 23
Moved to:
Created by on February 24
La IndieWeb es una alternativa centrada en la gente a la ‘web corporativa’.
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Tu contenido es tuyo Cuando publicas algo en la web, debería pertenerte a ti, no a una empresa. Demasiadas compañías han cerrado y perdido todos los datos de sus usuarios. Uniéndote a la IndieWeb, tu contenido continúa siendo tuyo y estando bajo tu control. |
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Estás mejor conectado Tus artículos y mensajes de estado pueden transmitirse a todos los servicios, no solamente uno, y permitir así que te relaciones con todo el mundo. Incluso las réplicas y los "Me gusta" en otros servicios pueden regresar a tu web: de esta forma están todos en un único sitio. |
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Tú tienes el control Puedes publicar lo que quieras, en el formato que quieras, sin que nadie te monitorice. Adicionalmente, compartes enlaces legibles simples como Estos enlaces son permanentes y siempre funcionarán. |
La iniciativa de la IndieWeb es diferente de anteriores tentativas/comunidades:
Quizás lo más importante: estamos centrados en la gente en lugar de proyectos, y tenemos encuentros regulares donde todo el mundo es bienvenido.
Created by on February 26
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fat pings? I don't really know about that
Created by on February 27
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thawr is a chat and messaging interface being developed by Ben Roberts at
Created by on February 21
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This definition and page is both unclear in and of itself, and how it relates to the IndieWeb. If you understand "seenthis", please help fix this page! - Tantek 19:06, 21 February 2015 (PST)
Seenthis is a common (reference) that host content and help people curating it by using hashtags.
"Short-blogging with no text limit. Curation and web survey. Cool automatic text layout. Forums under each post. Advanced and automatic thematisation."
It is interesting because you can comment on links, and by adding hashtags, it creates automatically a forum, or group, on this topic.
There is a nice article that describes deeper how it works by Thibault Henneton: fr Au fait, c’est quoi SeenThis ?
Created by on February 24
La IndieWeb és una alternativa centrada en la gent a la ‘web corporativa’.
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El teu contingut és teu Quan publiques alguna cosa a la web, t'hauria de pertànyer a tu, no a una empresa. Massa companyies han tancat i perdut totes les dades dels seus usuaris. Unint-te a la IndieWeb, el teu contingut continua sent teu i estant sota el teu control. |
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Estàs millor connectat Els teus articles i missatges d'estat es poden transmetre a tots els serveis, no només a un de sol, i permetre així que et relacionis amb tothom. Fins i tot les respostes i els "M'agrada" en altres serveis poden tornar al teu lloc web: d'aquesta manera són tots en un únic indret. |
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Tu tens el control Pots publicar el que vulguis, en el format que vulguis, sense que ningu no et monitoritzi. Addicionalment, comparteixes enllaços llegibles simples com Aquests enllaços són permanents i sempre funcionaran. |
La iniciativa de la IndieWeb és diferent d'anteriors esforços/comunitats:
Potser el més important: estem centrats en la gent enlloc de projectes, i tenim encontres regulars on tothom és benvingut.
Created by on February 24
My name is Xavier Badosa and I am the promoter of JSON-stat is a simple lightweight JSON dissemination format best suited for data visualization, mobile apps or open data initiatives. I am also the author of the JSON-stat Javascript Toolkit, a library to deal with JSON-stat responses.
My current personal web project is an automatic conversion service from web page to e-book (in the EPUB standard and in the Amazon MOBI format). Even though I don’t think e-books are the future of books, I’ve developed this tool for these transitional times full of dedicated devices with limited web browsing capabilities.
More at
Created by on February 21
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pros are the advantages of a feature, protocol, or technology, typically weighted against its cons and the implementation time/cost
Created by on February 21
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cons are important to consider in addition to the pros in the context of choosing an indieweb project.
Created by on February 24
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XML is a markup language syntax, similar to SGML, but with draconian error handling that tends to make it fragile in practice.
Created by on February 23
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weight is a type of metric post documenting the weight of a person at a specific time
Created by on February 23
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withings is a company that makes quantified-self tracking devices such as a bathroom scale
Created by on February 23
Andrew Shell is the Co-Founder and CTO of Pinpoint Software in Madison, WI.
Created by on February 25
<@U03QR2B3P> is Slack's user ID for Aaron Parecki
Created by on February 26
This is a description of a limited version of PuSH 0.4 that is sufficient for supporting the IndieWeb use case of publishing feeds of h-entry posts.
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The PuSH 0.4 spec itself is actually relatively underspecified, leaving many choices up to the individual implementations. For example, it does not actually say how publishers should notify the hub of new content, nor does it specify what the hub should actually send to subscribers.
This guide makes some assumptions about the use case to give a more concrete description of how to use PuSH. It is meant to leave as little ambiguity as possible so that implementers have a direct path to using it.
Consumers will need two pieces of information in order to subscribe to your content, the hub that you send pings to, and the topic which is just the URL that contains the feed, for example your home page.
Add the two URLs in an HTTP Link header, rel=self
and rel=hub
. If you can't add Link headers, then you can add HTML <link>
tags instead. [1]
For example, the HTTP Link headers should look like this:
Link: <>; rel="hub" Link: <>; rel="self"
Or if you can't (or don't want to) publish Link headers, you can link to them in the HTML:
<link rel="self" href=""> <link rel="hub" href="">
When you update your feed, you need to notify your hub that there is new content. Send an HTTP form-encoded POST to your hub with two fields:
(this should be the exact URL you advertise in the rel=self link)
The hub will check your URL for new content, then notify all subscribers of the update.
Given a URL of posts such as, you first need to discover what hub it is using.
To find the hub, first look for an HTTP Link
header with rel="hub" and use that hub if found. If no Link header is found, check the HTML for a <link>
tag with rel="hub" and use that URL.
To find the URL value, check for an HTTP Link
header with rel="self" and use that URL if found. If no Link header is found, check the HTML for a <link>
tag with rel="self" and use that URL instead.
Now you have two URLs, the "hub" and "self" URL.
To subscribe, send a form-encoded POST request to the hub with the following parameters:
The hub will reply with either 202 Accepted
or 400 Bad Request
. If there were any problems with the request, such as the subscriber attempting to subscribe to a topic that does not exist, the hub will return 400 Bad Request
and a plain text description of the error. If the hub accepted the subscription request, it will return 202 Accepted
and will then attempt to verify the subscription request.
After you send the request, the hub will make a separate request back to your callback URL to verify the request, so that attackers can't create arbitrary subscriptions for you.
The request will be GET request with the following query string parameters:
To confirm the subscription, you will need to reply with 200 OK
and a request body of exactly the string provided in the "hub.challenge" parameter in the request. The response body should not contain anything else, and is not form-encoded, just the plain string.
To reject the request, reply with 404 Not Found
and an empty body. Any response other than 200 OK
will indicate to the hub that the subscription is rejected and you will not receive notifications of new content.
Now that the subscription is created, you will begin receiving notifications at the callback URL you specified. Notifications will always be POST requests but may or may not contain a post body. The notification will also contain two Link headers with the rel=self and rel=hub URLs from the subscription.
Standard notifications will not contain a POST body. As a subscriber, if you receive an empty notification, you are expected to treat this as a notification that the publisher has updated the URL, and go fetch the new content yourself. Since the page will likely be an h-feed of posts, or an h-entry with comments, there will almost certainly be content there you have already seen. You will need to properly process only the items you have not yet seen.
"Fat ping" notifications will contain a POST body with the HTML of the new entries the publisher added since the last notification. This mechanism is likely to be used by websites with a large subscriber base, to avoid triggering thousands of subscribers making HTTP requests to the publisher's site when an update is made.
The hub may parse the microformats from the publisher's website and re-create the HTML that is sent, so you should not assume the HTML is literally the same as it was from the publisher. The content will be the same of course, but it may have been reformatted if the hub parses the h-entry posts and re-generates new HTML entries from the data in the original.
To subscribe, send a form-encoded POST request to the hub with the following parameters:
The hub will reply with either 202 Accepted
or 400 Bad Request
After you send the request, the hub will make a separate request back to your callback URL to verify the request, so that attackers can't remove subscriptions for you.
The request will be GET request with the following query string parameters:
To confirm and unsubscribe, you will need to reply with 200 OK
and a request body of exactly the string provided in the "hub.challenge" parameter in the request. The response body should not contain anything else, and is not form-encoded, just the plain string.
To reject the request, reply with 404 Not Found
and an empty body. Any response other than 200 OK
will indicate to the hub that the subscription is rejected and you will not receive notifications of new content.
Created by on February 25
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Convore is a group chat app/site. see
Created by on February 27
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disemvoweling is the practice of rewriting / quoting text and removing the vowels, often used as a light form of moderation short of deleting or blocking. See also:
Created by on February 25
I am hax0r many thing.
tjgillies in #pdxtech on freenode
I like ruby and javascript and clojure and stuff.
Created by on February 25
Created by on February 25
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Grove is
Created by on February 25
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oEmbed is a 2009-era JSON-based format for providing information to construct a link-preview of a page.
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oEmbed requires that any site support it support another URL (the oEmbed endpoint) to provide information that is otherwise available in the page itself.
Some discussion of oEmbed vs. a simpler link-preview approach has occurred in IRC: