Created by on Sunday and edited 5 more times
A site archive is an archive of an entire version of a site, often made static, and typically served at a subdomain of the original site.
Created by tantek on Sunday and edited 4 more times
on this day is a feature of several silos where they show you posts you made on the current (typically Gregorian) day of the year in previous years.
Created by tantek on Friday with 4 more edits by and
Created by voxpelli on Thursday and edited 3 more times
likespam is one of the things that motivated tantek to make his Instagram account private.
Created by aaronpk on Sunday and edited 1 more time
social media is the marketing term for silos and silo posts, ironically more anti-social than social, and encouraging of extreme opposition rather than medium perspectives.
Created by tantek on Sunday and edited 1 more time
Created by aaronpk on Wednesday and edited 1 more time
ca3db is a library for permanently storing multiple versions of user avatars found on social networks and websites.
Created by gRegorLove on Wednesday and edited 1 more time
Census is one of the p3k_naming_convention#Unused_Names.
Created by tantek on Wednesday and edited 1 more time
hashtag-cache is, like nickname-cache, a way indieweb sites store information about hashtags to improve the user experience of the site owner referring, mention, and/or linking to those tags.
Created by voxpelli on Thursday and edited 1 more time
A framework is a collection of reusable software that allows a person to use some feature/functionality in some problem domain without building it from scratch.
Created by [shaners] on Thursday and edited 1 more time
Mozilla Developer Network is a web development resource.
Created by on Monday
WWWTech is open source web publishing software written in Phoenix.
Created by tantek on Thursday
CPP is Content Performance Policies “a standardized alternative to AMP”.
Created by [shaners] on Friday
private profile is a feature of some silos (like Facebook) which allows a user to make their profile accessible only to friends.
Created by tantek on Thursday