News Genius is a silo that allows users to highlight and annotate any webpage by prefixing it with, or using plugin or bookmarklet, and is being widely criticized for enabling harassment of smaller (indieweb) sites.
Created by KevinMarks on Saturday with 13 more edits by, and
rel values are values used in the HTML rel attribute; several of which are used (sometimes optionally) in IndieWeb building blocks, yet no more are being proposed.
Created by on Monday with 8 more edits by and
Created by on Thursday with 3 more edits by and
suggest location is a web action for posting a location response to a post indicating location information for the post, like where a photo was taken, supported by Facebook on photo posts lacking location.
Created by tantek on Wednesday and edited 3 more times
Amazon Simple Queue Service, or SQS, is a hosted message queue for sending messages between distributed components of a web application.
Created by kylewm on Saturday with 2 more edits by and
location-of is a response to post that indicates location information for the post.
Created by tantek on Wednesday and edited 2 more times
Long-polling is a common technique to create a push-like experience through polling by having the poll request wait for an item when there are none ready, rather than return an empty response.
Created by on Sunday and edited 2 more times
RabbitMQ is a highly scalable and reliable Open Source message broker that implements Advanced Message Queuing Prototocol AMQP written in Erlang.
Created by on Sunday and edited 2 more times
A message broker is a program that receives messages in one (or multiple) formats and performs the necessary translations or transformations required by the receiver.
Created by on Sunday and edited 2 more times
Created by on Wednesday and edited 2 more times
Created by on Thursday and edited 2 more times
featured photos are a profile feature that allows the user to pick a few photos to show in a box on their profile, supported by Facebook (since 2016-03-29).
Created by kylewm on Tuesday and edited 2 more times
UIR is Upgrade Insecure Requests
Created by tantek on Wednesday and edited 2 more times
Created by on Friday and edited 1 more time
A Google Cloud Pub/Sub is a message broker that implements queues and subscriptions using JSON formatted messages.
Created by on Sunday
AMQP, or Advanced Message Queuing Prototocol, is an open standard to describe and transfer messages between applications.
Created by on Sunday
RDFa is the least obnoxious way of embedding RDF in HTML, but still more verbose than microformats.
Created by KevinMarks on Thursday
Fiskkit is an app and website that encourages people to Fisk online articles, by letting them tag and interpolate comments at the sentence level.
Created by KevinMarks on Thursday
iDisk was Apple's cloud disk silo, that also provided web hosting and WebDAV support.
Created by KevinMarks on Monday