
From IndieWeb

twtmore was a service ( from 2009-2015 for posting notes to Twitter over 140 characters by auto-truncating the tweet with a permalink to the full note, all of which are now dead links that redirect to the home page.


Message that all links now redirect to at the homepage:

Weโ€™ve flown away.

egg sitting upright on a square of sod

Itโ€™s been a wonderful ride. We made twtmore in 2009 to solve the problems with the complete garbage of 'tweet-over-140-characters' services at the time. Since then, weโ€™ve seen over 60 million tweets go through twtmore from all around the world. Regardless, tweeting has changed, and weโ€™ve grown up. To our third party developers, our users, our friends: thanks for using twtmore, we're absolutely humbled by your support over the years. See you around.

- the twtmore team (westin, tom, leonard)


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See Also