#indiewebcamp 2011-08-03

2011-08-03 UTC
aaronpk: several people want that. I've been thinking about writing something like it on top of StatusNet. Or something
I think I published a rambling blog post about me thinking about it recently
brennannovak joined the channel
[http://twitter.com/TaraAgacayak] I enjoy the #indieweb discussions/solutions > RT @wtem: Homesteading on the web: http://t.co/ca7EJGC #digitalidentity /via @newsycombinator
brennannovak, tantek, MarkDilley, voxpelli, peck_lx, voxpelli-laptop, tantek_, spinnerin, quartzjer, shaners, abki__, wajiii-afk and wajiii joined the channel