2014/NYC/Guest List

From IndieWeb

IndieWebCamp New York 2014

Official Guest List

Creators: Add yourself Bloggers: blog your RSVP Apprentices: Get your creator to add you
Are you a Creator (create & share design, UI/UX, and/or code)? Add yourself to the guest list by Logging in with your own domain! Already blogging on your own domain? Great! Publish a post saying that you're coming with a link to this RSVP page and send a pingback to it. Perhaps you're a creator, but only for other people, and don't actively create things for your own site. Or maybe you're really excited about the IndieWeb and want to join it as soon as you can!
Add yourself to the #Creators section using the attendee template, then add your name linked to your wiki user page and a self-hosted profile photo 128px square. If you're an active blogger (i.e. at least once a month) yet don't feel like you would call yourself a creator, it would still be great to have you participate in IndieWebCamp. If you can setup IndieAuth on your domain, go ahead and add yourself in the #Bloggers section as well. If you're not a creator, but want to be, or want to create and contribute to the IndieWeb but don't know where to start, team up with a creator, and ask them to add you. You can still attend IndieWebCamp as an apprentice to a creator.


Venue Capacity: 30

  • Signed-up: 11 (10 creators, 1 apprentice)
  • Spots remaining: 19


Alphabetically sorted by full display name.

Name: Bear

Organization: &yet

IndieWeb Projects: Hakkan (personal site software), ronkyuu (indieweb library for python)

Personal URL: https://bear.im

Elsewhere: @bear

Name: Brian Behlendorf

Organization: Mithril ($dayjob), Mozilla, EFF, Benetech

IndieWeb Projects: rebooting SMTP?

Name: Chloe Weil

IndieWeb Projects: Hipster, GitHub, list of additional projects

Personal URL: http://chloeweil.com

Elsewhere: @chloeweil

Name: David Shanske

Organization: Unaffiliated

IndieWeb Projects: none

Name: Jeremy Zilar

Organization: The New York Times

IndieWeb Projects: co-organizing IndieWebCampNYC

Name: Jet Villegas

Organization: Mozilla

Name: Paul Ford

Organization: Localhost

Personal URL: http://ftrain.com/

Elsewhere: @ftrain, github.com/ftrain

Name: Tantek Çelik

Organization: Mozilla

IndieWeb Projects: CASSIS JS∩PHP (on github), Falcon (my personal site publishing software), Whistle (URL shortener), RelMeAuth

Personal URL: http://tantek.com/

Elsewhere: @t, github.com/tantek

Name: Your Name

Personal URL: your domain

Elsewhere: @yourname


Alphabetically sorted by full display name.


No one is listed yet. Add to the list using the attendee-apprentice template!


Name: Cameron Koczon

Organization: Fictive Kin

Apprentice Of: Tantek Çelik

Missed Apprentices


Name: Matt Kleinman

Organization: Park Slope Food Coop

Apprentice Of: Jeremy Zilar


  • ... Add your name here!

Remote Participants

As with past IndieWebCamps, we'll setup remote participation for folks who can't be there in person but can still participate during the camp over IRC and hopefully live video.

Name: Aaron Parecki

Organization: Esri

IndieWeb Projects: p3k, webmention.io, micropub, IndieAuth

Name: Barnaby Walters

Organization: Vísar

IndieWeb Projects: Taproot (and associated projects), microformats2 parser, webactions extension

Personal URL: http://waterpigs.co.uk

Elsewhere: twitter github

Name: David Shanske

Organization: Unaffiliated

IndieWeb Projects: none

Name: Bret Comnes

Organization: Portland State University

IndieWeb Projects: Various personal projects

Personal URL: http://bret.io

Elsewhere: @bretolius

Name: Kevin Marks

IndieWeb Projects: NoterLive, Fragmentions

Personal URL: http://kevinmarks.com

Elsewhere: @kevinmarks

Name: Your Name

Personal URL: your domain

Elsewhere: @yourname


Folks that can't make it (but hopefully can participate before/after remotely!)

Name: Brian J. Brennan

Organization: Mozilla

IndieWeb Projects: co-organizing, posse-twitter (what I use to POSSE twitter), hyperproxy (easy-to-configure proxy for doing personal server experiments)

Missed You

Sorry to miss you folks - hopefully you can make it next year!

Name: Drew Hornbein

IndieWeb Projects: Social Justice, Phenology Clock

Personal URL: http://dhornbein.com

Elsewhere: @hornbein