
From IndieWeb

Private Discussions and Private Social Networks (3pm at https://etherpad.mozilla.org/indiewebcamp )

  • Early in the web, it was easy to have, e.g., a LiveJournal. As you develop a public persona, it becomes harder to post things which are unfinished
  • Need a cloud-based place to put notes, etc
  • Setting up private blogs, sites for small audiences

How do people feel about the security of posting private info on a web site?

  • Amber: ok if its my own server; not ok on wordpress.org

After setting up Wordpress

  • limit login attempts
  • p2 theme. boom, a social network!
  • custom login. customize what people can see without logging in
  • more privacy options: set reading visibility to network users, or site admins only
  • p2 likes: like posts
  • simple local avatars: upload a picture, user profile, etc.
  • p2 resolved posts: edited the plugin codes so that the choices are "flag new" and "flag read"
  • peter's login redirect: send individual users to specific parts of a site (without having to do multisite)
  • who's online: just what you'd expect from the name! if you add it ot the sidebar, shows who's online whenever you log in
  • chatroom: live chat. can also add video plugins

can set up wordpress app from iphone to post to this site. when i take notes, i do it through the wordpress app; they all get timestamped etc. works offline, when my phone's in airplane mode it queues them up

you can tag things, install additional plugins to get deeper categorization

  • what about search? could set it up as a single multi-site
  • notifications? one of them i check it regularly, as frequently as facebook. and if they need me to look at it right now, they'll text me. "if i got a ping every single time somebody updates something here, i'd go insane". there might be a plugin to set a custom post type or specific tag and you'll get notified on your site. without any code at all you could use IfThisThenThat.

A calendar would be really nice too, but it hasn't gotten that annoying yet. Calendering sucks, but I don't want to share my Google calendar.

(lengthy discussion about multiple identities and pseudonymity)

interesting to think of places that embrace different kinds of temporality

  • ephemerality
  • meatspac.es: no usernames, you're represented by a 2-second moving gif, so you need to have an idea of who's there to make sense of it [your hash has a time-based component]. 10-minute buffer. anybody who's there *can* archive that, but it's not the cultural norms. not "private" in that you'd feel comfortable discussing financials or overthrowing the state, but it's a very different feel. it's a community norm to use your face.