
From IndieWeb

What can Webmention learn from Email was a session at IndieWebCamp Brighton 2016.


  • aaronpk
  • petermolnar



  • document what email has done, and what is fundamentally happening
  • how can we apply that to webmention

what email has done

  • text analysis - bayesian filtering, etc, actually looking at the contents of the message to decide whether it's spam
  • blocklisting - blocklisting IP addresses of senders
  • greylisting - temporary reject, allow a retry to succeed
  • trust database - slowly allow a larger volume of email per sender depending on how many have been successfully delivered
  • no known open source solutions
  • SPF - these servers are allowed to send emails on behalf of this domain
  • DKIM

"an email authentication method designed to detect email spoofing. It allows the receiver to check that an email claimed to come from a specific domain was indeed authorized by the owner of that domain."

  • full public key is in the DNS record of the sender domain, so that the receiver can verify the received message against the public key
  • DMARC - sender publishes rules on how messages from it should be verified using SPF and DKIM
  • rules can contain actions (reject, notify, report)
  • can provide a hook back so the receiver can report spam it got to the place the spam reported to be from

agari.com - collects DMARC reports and creates a blocklist from it

what problems with webmention are we trying to address

  • amplification attack
  • find 100 websites that support receiving webmention
  • send a webmention to all of them with the source URL of your victim
  • victim is overwhelmed with requests

third parties handling webmentions

  • having a third party receive your webmentions is no problem
  • having a third party sending webmentions for you has the same problem as email
  • how can a domain publish a list of trusted senders so that receivers know whether the sender IP is expected?

how can this apply to webmention

  • text analysis
  • akismet is doing this
  • blocklisting

SPF is explicitly for this use case

  • we could take SPF as it is written and use it for webmention
  • is there any value in doing this, because webmention itself provides verification in the HTTP lookup?
  • yes there is, because this can help mitigate the amplification attack - tells the receiver whether or not to bother fetching the source URL

prevents a receiver from fetching the source URL by first looking up whether the webmention request IP is allowed to send webmentions for the source domain


  • if two people are using the same webmention sending service (e.g. telegraph.p3k.io), then it's possible for attacker A to forge a webmention request from victim B, and have the SPF check still pass
  • DKIM mitigates the risk of bypassing the SPF check
  • however, webmention already prevents this attack from generating an actual webmention, since the receiver is going to fetch the source URL over HTTP, and the attacker can't make a web page on the victim's server anyway
  • therefore DKIM provides no additional value to webmention
  • the only thing we lose by not implementing DKIM (or DKIM-like things) is that we remove the amplification attack protection for the case where two people share a webmention sending service
  • might be a good idea to revisit this if a large-scale sender (like wordpress.com, amazon aws, etc) starts sending webmention

is signing the webmention payload useful?

  • provides the ability to sign the webmention request (source & target) without needing to look at the post
  • a third party service can send signed webmentions without needing to see the contents of the post (works with private posts)
  • using the third party's private key

DKIM itself is too specific to email, but some other signing mechanism could work

there is less overhead involved in making a DNS request compared to an HTTP request

  • you can send a gzip bomb in HTTP but you can't in DNS


  • reverse hook in DMARC is useful
  • collect reports about bad actors

in webmention terms:

  • when the receiver gets a forged webmention from source A (didn't pass SPF or DKIM), looks up the DMARC record of domain A
  • sends a web hook with a report of the invalid webmention