
From IndieWeb

Domain of One's Own LMS was a session at IndieWebCamp East 2020.

Watch: โ–ถ๏ธ00:59:25s

Notes archived from etherpad: https://etherpad.indieweb.org/domainofonesownlms on 2020-11-16 at 10:30 pm Pacific

IndieWebCamp East 2020
Session: Domain of One's Own LMS
When: 2020-11-14 15:50 PM Eastern


  • Chris Aldrich (facilitator)
  • The coronavirus pandemic has rapidly forced educators to flee online where there is a wealth of predatory, amoral, and questionable platforms for managing online pedagogy. Starting closer to first principles, how might we design and build an LMS (Learning Management System) based on IndieWeb Principles or using the related ideas behind A Domain of One's Own where the teacher and students own their own content, learning content, and personal learning network. Can we dovetails ideas and principles from the Open Educational Resources (OER) space with this at the same time?
  • #DoOOLMS

Interested in attending



  • Chris Aldrich (facilitator):

The coronavirus pandemic has rapidly forced educators to flee online where there is a wealth of predatory, amoral, and questionable platforms for managing online pedagogy. Starting closer to first principles, how might we design and build an LMS (Learning Management System) based on IndieWeb Principles or using the related ideas behind A Domain of One's Own where the teacher and students own their own content, learning content, and personal learning network. Can we dovetails ideas and principles from the Open Educational Resources (OER) space with this at the same time?

The IndieWeb is a means of resistance against (the traditional) LMS.

Discussion boards / Forums

LTI - define

Keeping data and creations as part of a portfolio

Publishers own a huge amount of the content in the space

  • own all the data from day 1
    • resilio sync
    • sync thing
  • CUNY academic commons in a box

Pandemic has forced us to put all online. But there are ethical problems regarding "free tools"... how free are they? The tool is free and we (our data) are the product.

Domain of one's own approach has similarities with the indieweb approach. But the indieweb is more techi than the DOO project.

How can the tools that the indieweb has be used in the educational context, how manageable and doable that is.

There is already a indieweb education page.

A good question: is the DOO a teacher based approach or a student lead approach?

The domain is owned by the university, students' domain is a sub-section of that domain.

For lifelong learning the indieweb and the DOO is a good alternative.

A protfolio for life can be a tool

A discussion board can be to have a PDF with side notes, notes on the margin and then these comments can be sourced and then push back to the student.

Personal notebook is one room/space and the LMS is another room/space.

Another problem with the LMS is that the institution owns the data and the content.

The affordances of using wordpress with sindication or webmentions is very rich and it has the ability to crowdsource the insights and comments of all students.

Open source LMS could have an indie end point so that I can log the moodle platform and access material publicly. Indieweb building blocks for the LMS would be an excellent solution.

The LMS is like a bus station, it has to do some admin stuff. But once in the bus station you can go where you want. Technology of mentions, web-mentions that can be included in the LMS.

Panopticon - constested space in the middle -Open Web/indieweb

Publisher material is an important influence for the existence of the LMS

Text books should be very cheap given the high demand there is but the contrary is what happens.

Creating an outline for your course and filling it wiht your students

What happens when the OER is created with public funds, the project ends and what happens to the resource, the hosting, the webpage?? Can the indieweb provide something more sustainable, solutions that are available although the project has come to an end. The problem of longevity of the resources that have been created

Active resistance means owning the data, created the object of knowledge on their own devices and not sitting on a website that can go down. But what happens with those that dont have a hard drive, access to data space, etc. Is this solution inclusive? Who is potentially excluded?

A solution that is so easy to use that there is not that much time required.

Additional notes from h0p3's site: https://philosopher.life/#2020.11.14%20-%20Indieweb%3A%20East%20Webcamp

See Also