
From IndieWeb

Inoreader is a feed reader service.

Among other common reader functionalities, it also supports not just OPML import/export, but OPML subscription as well.


Configurable Share Buttons

In addition to a number of pre-configured share buttons, you can add custom share buttons. You can enter a custom URL for the share button and include variables for the page being shared: [URL], [TITLE], [TITLE_NOENC], [CONTENT], and [SOURCE]. You can also choose whether to use a GET request or a POST request.

For example, you could use:

  •[URL] to reply to the URL using Quill.
  •[URL]&kind=reply to reply to the URL using Post Kinds Plugin for WordPress. (One could also replace 'reply' with any other kind names (bookmark, like, listen, read, etc.) to create other types.)

Screenshot taken 2018-06-13