From IndieWeb


I’m Dylan Harris. I’ve had arts & ego, an SSI–based website, up for a couple of decades. It’s running on an Intel chip so old it’s immune to Meltdown. (It’s a copy of my original site at, which I’m preparing for migration to a home server.)

The site is all my own cat food. It’s coded in plain SHTML (HTML with Server Side Includes), & CSS. The only scripts are those necessary to pull in Google fonts. The code is decorated with microdata (as per

It was originally built with notepad, but I’ve now advanced to sed. I’ve written a number of support and verification scripts (bash), but I’ve not posted them because they’re very site presumptive.

It has roughly 50G of original content: blog, podcast, music, plus my photography books and poetry collections.

I want to come along to some indieweb events to pick up, and hopefully share, ideas. Annoyingly, they clash with family events. :-(