From IndieWeb

Ian O'Byrne


Ian O'Byrne is an educator, researcher, & award-winning online DJ. He spends his time building & breaking things online.

Elsewhere:  @wiobyrne , /wiobyrne, GitHub, More about me...

Ian O'Byrne


Hey all, my name is Ian. You'll see me listed as William, Ian, and W. Ian online. I always go by Ian to family and friends. The W. Ian started up and is now my academic title.

I am an educator, researcher, and speaker. My work centers on teaching, learning, and technology. I study literacy practices of individuals in online, and hybrid spaces.

Digital Identity

I use a multi-pronged approach to developing my digital identity. My main site ( is powered by WordPress. I also maintain a weekly newsletter called (Too Long;Didn't Read) that focuses on technology, education, and literacy.

I've done quite a bit of work in the open web, web literacies, digital badges, blockchain, etc. In most of my work, I'm trying to simplify this content to make it approachable and accessible for the "normal people" out there. As such, you can find me numerous places online, but I'm currently trying to clean up my online signals, and figure out how this impacts my digital identity.

Working On

  • Developing a linklog (Breadcrumbs) and cleaning up the signals I use online. This will (hopefully) pull me from the usual social networks, and identify a "better" path forward in these spaces. This linklog will be a sandbox for me to play with IndieWeb tools/platforms, and massage my social signals.