2012/UK/Indie Anywhere
Indie Anywhere was a brainstorming session during IndieWebCampUK 2012.
Archived Session
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Welcome to the IndieAnywhere EtherPad!
2012-253 The Bridge room / The Skiff
- Tantek - tantek.com (@t)
- Barnaby - waterpigs.co.uk (@barnabywalters)
This is a session at indiewebcampUK covering the use cases and implementation of a possible indieweb version of twitter's @anywhere.
Per their description[1] Twitter's @anywhere consists of four things: ([1] https://dev.twitter.com/docs/anywhere/welcome )
- "Follow Buttons" - this is handled by indieweb WebActions.
- "Hovercards" - ...
- "linkify Twitter usernames" - ...
- "Connect to Twitter" - this is handled by IndieAuth
Focusing on the indieweb equivalent of
- Linkify usernames and hovercards.
Twitter says: "need a registered client application" [1]
On the indieweb, ideally we shouldn't require any kind of registration to make this functionality work.
Twitter's @Anywhere provides a javascript that does "Auto-linkification of Twitter usernames".
In the "Linkify Example", Twitter seems to only hyperlink the username portion, and not the "@" symbol.
This doesn't make sense, because:
- it makes a smaller click/tap target
- it implies the that @ is not part of the reference, but it is.
Twitter also linkifies all potential @-names on a page (or within a selector) which seems prone to false positives.
Instead it seems to make more sense to provide a function for deliberately linkifying chunks of specific text (either serverside, or clientside).
Simple Indieweb linkify answer is:
- Use https://github.com/tantek/cassis auto_link() function to linkify both @-names to Twitter, and URLs (works both in JS clientside or in PHP serverside)
- @t ->
<a href="http://twitter.com/t">@t</a>
- tantek.com ->
<a href="http://tantek.com">tantek.com</a>
Next step for better IndieWeb UX:
- @-names should link to the equivalent indieweb URLs, using user full name, and microformats.
- e.g. @t ->
<a class="h-card" href="http://tantek.com/">Tantek Γelik</a>
- e.g. via a static server-side lookup table (aaronparecki.com does this)
- better: do discovery via Twitter profile retrieval on their "website" URL and use that
- even better: cache the results of that discovery (on client and/or serverside)
- even better: do rel-me verification on @-name vs. respective website
- even better: persistently cache rel-me verified @-name + website pairs on your indieweb server
- e.g. @t ->
Twitter has:
Hovering on an @-name shows:
- logo/avatar
- full name
- location from profile
- "more..." link
- follow button
Clicking "more..." link shows in addition:
- website URL
- bio
- latest tweet
- stats: tweets, following, followers
These are nearly all hCard related features which we can use microformats2 h-card to easily upgrade the above auto-linkify markup :
- <a class="h-card" href="http://tantek.com">Tantek Γelik</a>
the hCard indicates that the link is a person with properties:
- url: http://tantek.com
- name: Tantek Γelik
then we could create a javascript library to automatically provide "hovercard" like functionality purely based on that markup.
indiehovercard.js implementation outline:
- for all hCards:
- go get the representative hCard from the url
- from that rep hCard, get:
- logo/photo
- updated full name
- location (via adr / geo / or street-address/locality/region/country-name)
- bio (via note)
- latest post (p-name of most recent h-entry on that URL)
- stats? punt on this for now. question why each of these stats is interesting at all (# of tweets? how is that useful. # following, what does that really mean in an indieweb scenario? # followers, is that even possible to determine in a fully distributed system?)
- attach handlers to all .h-card elements to hover / first-tap show hovercard
- mimic display / styling of Twitter hovercards (perhaps consider FB hovercards also)
Similarly on Facebook, their "hovercards" (when you hover over hyperlinked full names) shows you
- cover photo
- avatar/logo
- full name
- workplace
- # of mutual friends that the reader and that link have in common
- 5 hyperlinked avatars of those friends
- mini-hovercard on those avatars that just popup and display their full name
Wordpress.com Blogs have Hovercards screenshot
- Profile Photo
- Nice border
- Username
- location
- Bio
- the Reply links are some kind of z-index bug
- Note ability to turn hovercards off
indiehovercard.js could get mutual friends using XFN.