
From IndieWeb

mobilepub is not complete limited to only posting right now.

aaron only cares about the 90% of his interests. posting only done through his app, does not care about editing on mobile since its very rare.

editing interface on my site supports:

   * editing tags
   * editing the publish date
   * adding syndication URLs
   * syndicating to other places

what do you want to post?

  • both quick things and a full editor
  • most mobile interfaces are more minimal

integrated posting and reading in an app vs individual apps for everything.

aaron cares about posting reading (with minimal interactions)

would be okay if it were to need to open another app for comments, but not most desireable would not be okay for likes

doesn't take a picture from within apps. only from within apple camera app (share button is very important)

slow internet connection (pick resolution, queue for upload later)

post small version at the moment, and post a larger photo later on wifi

time based(?) speed based(?)

iOS cannot background upload arbitrarily. can request up to 10 minutes to "finish a task" when the app is closed

adapt by IP address. the server knows how long its been uploading and figure out an autowhitelist of IP addresses based on that. basically uses initial (smaller) image as speed test

edit mobile use cases

  • syndicate after the fact (aaronpk)
  • Undo send/delete/etc (tantek)
  • fix typos (tantek, often using Facebook's mobile web UI)
  • edit RSVPs (change to going from interested, etc)

How do you direct your browser to the app (same issue as webactions)?