
From IndieWeb

Hack Start was a session at IndieWebCamp Brighton 2019.

The Hack Start session is a way to get started with ideas gained during the first day, keeping the momentum going. It is also a good chance to grab someone to help you with setup that you would like to get done before Day 2!

Some tips:

  • Try logging in to the wiki for the first time!
  • If you want to set up a domain, start as soon as possible. Also bring the TTL on everything down as far as it can go, so you can make changes more easily.
  • Do you need to get hosting? This may be something you want to have in place before starting tomorrow!
  • Maybe you want to try a certain service, like Micro.blog, this is a good time to get registered.
  • Questions about something that came up today? See if you can pair up with someone who has experience to share.