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2024/Berlin/Intros was the first participant session at IndieWebCamp Berlin 2024 where everyone got a chance to introduce themselves and their personal site or aspirations for one.
- Watch: ▶️ 41:12s
Notes archived from: https://chat.indieweb.org/2024-11-09#t1731147996979700
Tantek Çelik https://tantek.com/ — publishes on his website first, then social media later. Posts GitHub Issues, and more. He can search his site and find everything that he needs on his website.
Has a long list of things he wants to get done on the wiki; will figure out what to do this weekend.
Joschi Kuphal http://jkphl.is/ — has a personal website that he started 10 years ago. Works on web accessibility. One year ago, planned to reduce website to the essentials. That's what he spent time on in Brighton and Dusseldorf.
Thinks about what he can reduce from his website; shrinking down.
Plans to work on reducing features on website this weekend.
Old website is still accessible; in background so can take a look at blog posts that he did.
Has a concept of publishing small pieces of content as ASCIIdoc files, something used for professional work.
Tais on https://tais.dev/ — had idea of writing monthly recaps; last one was in 2023. Not familiar with IndieWeb; has idea of using less social media. Interested in figuring out how to post on personal website, then sharing on places where people are.
Roman https://kizu.dev/ — Member of CSS Working Group. If one has questions about CSS, one should feel free to ask Roman.
Other than the website itself, has a blog -- publishes things about CSS and other things. Notes about btconf, current music, and more. Planning in this time to work on website, maybe web component things.
Alex on http://sbsbsb.sbs/. If domain gets pricier, he could add more "sbs". Noticed font isn't displaying, will take a look at it.
Uses TiddlyWiki, renders as a static website. Likes TiddlyWiki for use in digital gardens. Hopes to learn about making web pages prettier.
Julia on https://juliaracsko.com/ Made product design portfolio. Isn't loading; will take a look this weekend. It loads; requires JavaScript. Wants to have a more hacky space on website.
Jo on https://dead.garden/. A fun place to experiment with stuff. Not indexed by Google or anything like that. Keeps adding new things to the website. Added notes, blog. Shows latest photo, movie, poem, art, and more. Has an internet radio station. At dead.garden/radio
Sara on https://sarajaksa.eu/ If you are browsing website, will mostly see writing. Writes lots of fiction, comments on others' work, participating in collaborative things like Carnival. What feature used the most: list of books read. And which books to read in the future. Also has own writing tool!
Nina on https://honeyeyefilm.de/ All you can see arose in Brighton this year. Wants to show analogue photographs on website. Likes to take pictures of concerts, architecture, and more. Maybe will show future art projects on website.
Dennis on https://dennismorhardt.de/ Working with the web since age 15. When Twitter changed, felt lost on the map of the web. Has mostly professional web presence and a blog that isn't used any more. Interested in being re-oriented with a personal website.
on https://gglnx.space/ with name and buttons!
Sophie on https://sophiebrunner.com/ Started last year at the Nürnberg IWC. Since then, added a few things. Mostly a business card with contact information. Really wants to do something fun.
Sławomir Jakub Krzyżak
Sławomir Jakub Krzyżak on https://slawomirjakub.com/ UI designer, becoming front-end developer. Starting new job at a digital agency. Excited about what to learn at this workshop!
Patrick on https://jsinterface.org/ when first load website, it renders pages and all are stored in memory. Started out doing research, amateur programming. Wanted to have a website. Learned programming, spent five years in industry with React, Vue. Went into a Master's programme. Now building lots of own things. Basic concept: define a tree that can be traversed on a website. Patrick: interested in functional programming. And lots of other things!
Askan on https://askan.biz/ Showing oldest blog, about food and farmers' market. Blogging for more than 10 years on WordPress. Impressed by creativity seen here today. Tried to get away from WP because it has become hard to handle. Especially for smaller things; text and pictures. Experimenting with flat-file oriented systems. Has subdomains on website. Sometimes trying out new CMS or something like that. All the CMS are difficult to learn as a consumer who wants to express themselves. Hard to federate with social network in a seamless, meaningful way.
Jakob started personal website; it's more like a "construction site"; in the middle of changing domain.
Stefan page is on localhost. Has goal of publishing page on website this weekend!
Kagami (they/them) on https://kagami.rs/ -- domain doesn't show anything yet. Interested in having a single person Mastodon instance so doesn't have to depend on anyone else's.
Fabian on https://hoeltke.com/ Created website in university, not maintained in a long time; has a dark mode feature. Page has animation. There is a Chuck Norris joke generator. Goal of this event is to make website more up to date.