How to POSSE was a session at IndieWebCamp Berlin 2024.
- Watch: βΆοΈ 50:36s
- TaΓs
- Askan
- Fabian
- Julia
Tantek Γelik
- Jakob
- Stefan
- Patrick
- How to share your content on various other places like social networks like Instagram, Twitter and others
How can you keep in touch and connect with people while owning your data?
- Problem with POSSE: highly technical
- Why? What is technical about it?
- Alternative PESOS: Publish everywhere, syndicate on your own site
Would you do POSSE if you could? YES
Post on your own site - but how do you connect with people?
- Problem statement: how to connect with people who are only on a social network (sort of nothing else)
- Friends are spread across many social networks, where is the one tool which helps me to connect to all of them
How do you distribute content from the same place? => what's the goal? then find a solution
How to receive replies, content, etc from a closed platform? (not a POSSE problem)
2nd level problem: what if your profile is in the silo platform, but not active?
What's the goal?
- start with minimum
- don't join all the new silos
- don't feed the machine, but keep in touch
- connect from own site with already established networks
First: figure out what you want to have happen
Second: ask the community how have other people solved this? Don't assume it is impossible, or hard, or technical.
(alt description is embed in image file?)
Manual POSSE is ok!
First step, do it manually
- "manual until it hurts" principle
is it technical? not really, not necessarily!