
From IndieWeb

The email for Sunday’s IndieWebCamp Düsseldorf 2024 Create Day was sent to IndieWebCamp ticketholders late Saturday the night before, and linked to Day 1 Session notes, summarized the plan for Day 2 with details on time, location, and overview of the day’s activities.

Drafting plain-text to send an email to everyone who signed up for a ticket:

Hi IndieWebCamp creative!

It was great to see you at the 8th annual IndieWebCamp Düsseldorf day 1 at the Central Library!

Session notes have been archived and are viewable on the wiki: https://indieweb.org/2024/D%C3%BCsseldorf/Schedule#Saturday.

Get ready for day 2!

We’re looking forward to seeing you soon at IndieWebCamp Düsseldorf 2024 day 2: Create Day, where you bring your ideas and creativity inspired by day one's discussion sessions and we all make things on or for our personal sites and/or the community! Here’s what you can look forward to:

## Spring is here!

The forecast for Sunday is warmer! Predictions are ~16 to 25 degrees Celsius (60–77 Fahrenheit).

## Sunday

Our Create Day starts at 8:00am on Sunday in the Niu Tab Hotel Lobby! We have secured permission to make use of a large tall table with outlets in the middle for our Create Day! There’s soft couch-like seating on one side, and bar-stool-like chairs on the other. We’ll get started with personal site project ideas and plans when have a critical mass or 8:30am, whichever comes first.

* Time: Sunday at 8:00am
* Location: Niu Tab hotel lobby. Moskauer Str. 29, 40227 Düsseldorf, Germany

Wondering how to prepare for Create Day?

In short: just shows up ready to make something IndieWeb related. More details at https://indieweb.org/Create_Day.

Feel free to reply to this email if you have any questions, or reach out through the previous mentioned discussion channels (https://indieweb.org/discuss). See you soon!

Tantek Çelik, Joschi Kuphal, Marc Thiele, David Shanske (co-organisers)

See Also