
From IndieWeb

Create Day Demos was a session at IndieWebCamp San Diego 2024.


Started at 17:00 Pacific




Chris Aldrich


  • Set up a minimal spoiler element with a <label> element and a checkbox
  • Full-screen view of his checkins was broken, discovered late last night. Updated so it's more compact.
  • Not usually chcking in realtime, will occasionally go back and Swarm suggests checkins based on location history.
  • Exports checkins periodically (not during htis camp, though)
  • Shows a Strava post embedded in his blog post (using iframe)
  • Didn't get to revamping his page where you can add a sticky note, wants to modernize it, making something interesting of it.


Angelo (remote)

  • Showing a page created in April of a hike to Muir Peak
  • Used Overland to ping GPS coordinates of hike
  • Narrowed the data to just the hike, left with the map and markers and some photos that he manually placed on there
  • Today: worked on further exposing that data, photos full res, a video, and a data table. Overland gives some standard diagnostics like battery life, coordinates, altitude (ft), m/s. Timestamps get wonky at some point but rest of data looks correct.
  • If you click on a coordinate in the table, adds a marker on the map
  • Future steps: maybe put photos in the timeline of events;

Al Abut

  • Analog for now
  • Did a creativity exercise with several attendees
  • Took a page, break into four quadrants, give a time limit of 5 minutes, and sketch UIs, no words
  • Helped him understand some things and get some inspiration
  • Al is sharing analog drawings, which will be digitized
  • After the drawing, talked through each one since they don't really make sense without explanation
  • Ulterior motive: if he understands concepts well enough, can make some wireframes. Some of these might have W3C specs in motion like geodata

David Shanske

  • https://david.shanske.com
  • Tested a few different types of posts he hasn't in a while, like reviews
  • Cleaned up some icons
  • Review of Berkshire Motel. 4 stars is satisfied.
  • "Obligated to write a post about a burrito experience"
  • Also wrote about switching to ClassicPress
  • Syndication Icons build process improved
  • Cleaned up some duplicate post locations
  • Restored reviews to the main feed

See Also