(Redirected from Okami)
Okami is a Micropub Client written by j4y_funabashi. It lets you create and organise posts easily.
It can be found here: http://okami.funabashi.co.uk/
- Login via indieauth
- Create a basic note post
- I take photos with my phone and digital camera and I don't always have time to post / organize so they end up living on the device for months/years waiting for me to sort them out.
- I also have a backlog of ~10 years worth of photos that I want to organise and post to my site.
Ideal workflow
- take a bunch of photos/videos
- backup media from device to media endpoint
- use okami to view all media uploaded to the media endpoint and to a post
- Would be great if my media server could know which media has been added to my site. Current thinking is that I can webmention the media URL and the media server can use that to mark the media as published
I have ~2 years worth of gpx logs that I want to do something with
ideal workflow
- Walk around with my phone collecting gpx data
- backup gpx data to a Micropub Geo server.
- Geo server parses gpx logs into suggestions for posts (checkins, trips)
- Use okami to view and act on suggestions from geo server
silo UI inspiration