
From IndieWeb
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Perch Runway is a content management system with a monthly license fee, built on PHP and MySQL. It was formerly offered in two flavors with Perch being for smaller sites and Perch Runway for sites which have large collections of content. On 2022-05-02 they announced Perch Runway would be the only product they continue to develop and support. [1]

Perch Runway has built in support for structured content with custom fields used everywhere. If you care about web standards and clean markup, it will make you happy. The content collections and relationships make it easy to reuse, display differently and relate content items to each other.

With no in-built markup or themes, it is very designer and developer friendly.

Perch Runway is developed by Rachel Andrew and Drew McLellan. Rachel writes and speaks about CSS layout and Drew is the publisher of the 24ways advent calendar for web designers and developers. Both are strong advocates of web standards.

IndieWeb Features

  • Webmention sending and receiving. As of 2017-07-17 (documentation), a first-party add-on for both sending an receiving Webmentions is available.
  • PESOS. Add-ons make it easy to PESOS your tweets to your site. Perch also offers a robust API for developers to build their own custom apps.

The developers behind Perch have shown active interest in adding additional IndieWeb functionality.


2022-05-02: announced (archived) that going forward they would only be developing and offering Perch Runway with its subscription licensing model. Existing licensees for Perch could upgrade for a discounted subscription.

IndieWeb Examples

Other Examples

See Also