streaming kit

From IndieWeb
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Streaming an IndieWebCamp requires some planning. Streaming can be anything from an extra laptop to a dedicated streamer.

Dedicated Streaming Device

Aaron Parecki uses a Teradeck Vidiu to stream live to Youtube. This is a dedicated hardware box that costs ~$600 and thus may be beyond the budget of some.


Laptops, by comparison, are something many people have. Some even have older laptops that can handle the simple duties of a streaming system.

There should be enough to cover all the possible sessions you may conduct. A good inexpensive option is to secure a Chromebook, which is a simple streaming device.

When using a laptop, it is best to add an external microphone, since laptop microphones are optimized to pick up a single person speaking at close range.

Video cameras

The current top option for a good quality camera is the Logitech C920. This camera retails for $70, but can often be found on sale at Amazon. This provides a wider angle view than laptop cameras, and also includes a microphone that can pick up a wider range of the room.


In order to cover the room, if possible, it is best to have two types of microphones. A directional one for the presenter, and an omnidirectional for the room. However, this adds the complexity of mixing either in hardware or software. Barring that, you can use a single microphone that is passed around as needed.