Sarah Dillon

Sarah Dillon lives, works and studies in Brisbane, Australia.
Chat Nickname: sarahdillon
Elsewhere: Twitter
Figuring out how to integrate microblogging via into my WP posting workflow. If I can do it with minimal adjustment to my current website setup, then I'll give it a go.
- I note the emergence of Homebrew website clubs since I last checked in, so I'll experiment with attending to see if it can give me a framework for further indieweb development.
- Itemise what I've got set up to post where so I can start to routinise how I'm going to integrate indieweb principles into my online publication workflow. This will also allow me to better identify and troubleshoot any issues that may arise. Level of itch: high
- Will return for another pass at figuring out whether it's worth microblogging via my website, using Level of itch: not that high.
- Issue below seems to have resolved, through no real effort on my side, AFAIK
- Updated to latest version of Syndication Links, after a helpful prompt from @ChrisAldrich via Twitter. After some confusion (related to brain not plugin), I posted to my WP site, using a Note, which then popped up on Twitter and the timeline. Spent the next 75 mins trying to replicate initial success. Better luck next time.
- Tried checking my site again in --> h-card is still not being found for my site, even though I have a h-card widget installed, and have inserted the h-card code in my header. Reached (& exceeded) my limit of time I'm prepared to spend on this.
- Installed independent publisher child theme from github==> currently reverted to Genesis Frmwk + off-the-shelf child template as I needed something to look good faster than this was taking.
- Figured out how to post to Twitter from my site.
- Figured out how to remove the visible microformatting code from the author line on the blog posts on my site, by changing themes which resolved the issue.
- Forced my site to load securely via htaccess file.
- Tried to figure out Quill - getting a 'not authorised' error sometimes when posting, but reached my limit on time prepared to spend on it.
- Found out my domain host is stripping stuff from my headers that causes authorisation pblms, they won't change this for security reasons. Sidestepping this via Apache is in the "Too Hard" basket for me.
- Considered changing ISPs/ domain hosts but am unconvinced of ROI on time and effort.