From IndieWeb

Hi guys and gals!

My name is David Peach and I am in the process of moving posts from various places to my new permanent domain,

Chegalabonga is a made-up word, a name in fact, for a bear that was a prize in a friend's raffle. She asked me to come up with a random name and that was the first thing that came to mind. I don't know how or why, but it stuck nonetheless.

I had a indiewebified website a while back at but moved back to WordPress and have only just got round to reimplementing indieweb stuff thanks to the awesome plugins now available.

I used to spend lots of time looking at ways of building my own indieweb implementations using Laravel. But because of coding in my job full-time, I kind of for the burn-out and stopped publishing so much too.

I moved back to WordPress recently so as to get back to just publishing.

Cheers, Dave.

P.S. Really looking forward to IndieWebCamp this this as I had to miss last years.