From IndieWeb


Chris Funderburg


Pronouns: He/Him

Chris Funderburg is a GenX British Texan living in Newbury, England, and he makes a living as a freelance cloud architect / DevOps engineer / Platform engineer.


Howdy! My name is Chris Funderburg. I’m a Texan living in the UK and working in the IT industry for nearly 30 years. I currently run my own company as a consultant cloud architect / platform engineer / DevOps engineer and I specialise in helping companies build enterprise grade solutions using AWS, Google, and Azure public clouds via infrastructure-as-code and other DevOps practices.

In my time I’ve worked at Burger King, washed oil rigs, been an auto mechanic, loaded bombs, missiles, and canons of US Air Force F-111s and F-16s, been a development engineer using Informix 4GL, then as a database administrator, then as systems administrator responsible for entire enterprises, before finally finding my niche as a Linux-based release engineer / architect. In the last decade I’ve been heavily involved in DevOps methodologies and the slow move to Cloud based environments.

Outside work, among other things, I’m an allotment gardener, and in 2020, after quite a few years of study with The Open University, I graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Environmental Management and Technology.

I also volunteer as: a trustee and webmaster of The Druid Network, - a registered charity in English and Wales.


I've had a website since about 1999. Firstly at - which was literally just a html page with a table, then various weird sites hosted on whoever I was working for's servers, then eventually a strange side scrolling website, then in 2011 I switched to, sometimes had a wordpress site, then a smooth scrolling site, and now, the last site I'll hopefully ever power, a Indieweb Hugo blog, with lots of bits hidden underneath it...