From IndieWeb


It just come to me that an independent domain is not mandatory.... Anyway, it's beneficial to have more people own there domain.

The IndieAuth facility is cool. I very like the integration of Google Authenticator! This is really a good One Time Password (OTP) solution. Now I can login and contribute to this wiki on any computers without worrying loss of personal credentials!

Good work!

Let me link back to my major account:

We can really make it easier for people to show up on IndieWebCamp:

  • Find any content hosting services. (not over-emphasize the importance of independent domain at the first place)
  • Set up How_to_set_up_web_sign-in_on_your_own_domain
  • Encourage people to show up on the wiki. e.g. edit an user page.

Not everyone can contribute a lot, but we can make it easier to get more people together. 01:24, 10 July 2013 (PDT)