author naferrell

From IndieWeb

N.A. Ferrell

Administrator and editor of, and writer for, The New Leaf Journal - a growing online writing magazine where the leaves are perennially virid. By day a legal research specialist.

Elsewhere: Pixelfed


I am the administrator and editor of, and writer for, The New Leaf Journal - an online magazine I started with a friend dedicated to publishing our interesting content. Most of my work appears on The New Leaf Journal. I also run a newsletter publication related to the main site.

My Content

I write about whatever interests me. For that reason, there is no common topic for my 300+ New Leaf Journal articles. Below, you will find a representative sample of my content, organized into groups. These are not necessarily all of my favorite articles - but rather a selection that offers an idea of what I write about. Within sections, articles are ordered chronologically. I have also organized groups of articles into series on my website.

Note: List created 7/10/21.

Content: Essays & Commentary

1. On When to Watch Credits or Leave a Bad Movie

2. Bed in Summer, Bed in Winter

3. The Aesthetic Digital Environment

4. An Early Review of Pixelfed - Instagram Alternative

5. On Children and Internet Sharing

6. Walking with Epictetus in the Snow

7. Around the Web 〜 RSS as a Facebook Alternative

8. ATW 〜 Murakami on Bad Social Media Content

9. An Essay on Productivity, Production, and Productive Leisure

10. ATW 〜 The Small Web, Artisanal Content, and Humane Design

11. A 2021 List of Alternative Search Engines and Search Resources

12. Installing Ubuntu Touch on an Asus Nexus 7 (2013)

Content: Creative Writing & Humor

1. Welcome to The Emu Café

2. Examining the-Man-With-the-Hose

3. Teaching the Art of the Video Game SNAFU

4. A Tanka on Avoiding Mosquitoes

5. Justin & Justina 〜 Existential Social Media Misery

6. “Like… and Like… Yeah” – The Abuse of Like

7. Linux Terminal Error - Who is Proton Von?

8. Noramie Jasmin's Inspiring Political Comeback Story

9. Hatchling and Danbo Have a Piano Recital

10. Justin & Justina 〜 4th of July Grill Sacrifices to the Spirits of the Founders

Content: History & Curiosities

1. The Last Stand of Constantine XI

2. The Trees Leaf in May

3. The End of the Western Roman Empire

4. Lysander and Cyrus the Younger's Garden

5. Nineteenth Century Autumn Dress Trends

6. Whyever Do The Cicadas Cry - A Study of a Word

7. Kaga no Chiyo Autumn Haiku on Unrequited Love

8. The Arrival of Sparrows in the United States

9. Around the Web 〜 Hair Dye in Japanese Schools

10. The Pine Tree Loves of Takasago

11. How the Forget-Me-Not Flower Found Its Name

12. Calvin Coolidge Describes His Mother, Victoria

13. The Mystery of Sōseki and Tsuki ga Kirei

14. The Story Behind a Miniature Painting of Abraham Lincoln

15. The Japanese Citizenship Requirement for Sumo Stablemasters

16. The Enigmatic Life and Death of Emperor Otho

17. “The Blind Girl and the Spring” 〜 A Poem by Sydney Grey

18. Reverend Warneford's 1890s Miniature Model Railroad System in Windsor

19. Calvin Coolidge On Why We Celebrate Independence Day

Content: Games & Anime

1. Persona 4, Coffee, and Children

2. That Longest Year of School Finally Ends

3. Winds of New Beginnings: Pokémon Gold & Silver

4. Anime Recommendations of the Decade (2011-2020)

5. The Two Decade Mario Party Finally Ends

6. Usagi Drop 〜 A Complicated Anime Pick

7. Iroha Isshiki's Hair is Brown, as Expected?

8. Nintendo Power’s 1999 Yoshi in Pokémon April Fools Prank

9. The al|together and Insani Visual Novel Translations

10. The Nice Boat 〜 A Look Back at the School Days Anime

Content: Photography & Life in NYC

1. A Brave Little Tree Grows in Manhattan

2. Halloween and the Pumpkin with a Mask

3. Brooklyn Snowman and Winter Storm Gail Sights

4. The Rotting Pumpkin 〜 A Salvador Dali Painting

5. The Falcon of the Queensboro Bridge

6. Blob Dylan(?) Seen in Bushwick

7. Photographing a Squirrel Kiss in Three Acts


9. The Houses and Cobblestones of Hudson Avenue in Vinegar Hill, Brooklyn

10. The Glowing Pink Rose of Grace Court in Brooklyn Heights

11. A Trip Across Brooklyn’s Summit Street Bridge


Below are some priorities I have for improving The New Leaf Journal (updated 7/10/2021).

  • Remove unused shortcodes
  • Implement events page
  • Test plugin for new glossary page
  • Finish drafting and post guest submissions page
  • Study new solutions for including on-site microblog to replace outdated implementation of the feature - this includes using RSS feed from external source
  • Create sub-categories for organizing photo-based posts
  • Completely revamp site tag structure
  • Study implementation of other IndieWeb plugins beyond base plugin and determine whether they would work/make sense on site - emphasis on later study of ActivityPub plugin
  • Work on external link-building ideas, including separate BuddyPress platform related to main site
  • Most important - continue working to publish good content