From IndieWeb


Charlie Owen


Charlie Owen is a British dev manager living in Berlin. Pronouns: she/her/hers

Chat Nickname: sonniesedge

Elsewhere:  @sonniesedge

Hello! I'm Charlie, the variously hyperactive, loud, "funny", drunk, angry, hideously depressed one.

My site

I have had a serious problem website problem, owning and discarding domain names like a drunk weasel. I've now settled on my current domain name. However in the last 8 years of owning it I have used probably every technology possible to publish and embarrassingly small number of blog posts.

But stability has been achieved, and since late 2018 I have been using Drupal as a content store. As of early 2019 I'm using my own static site generator to grab the data from Drupal's JSON:API endpoint and render it as I want via Netlify.

I use it mostly to post notes and bookmarks.