From IndieWeb



Pronouns: she/her

Alexandra is a personal website advocate and tech professional in Seattle, WA, who founded the 32-Bit Cafe community.

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the museum of alexandra

my personal site, the museum of alexandra is the home of my interests, beloveds, and trinkets that i'd like to digitally curate and share as part of my human experience. at the same time, it's a love letter to the personal websites of the 1990s, when i first began making websites, and the 2000s, which saw an explosion of trading pixel art.

the library of alexandra

my personal blog, the library of alexandra, is hosted on bearblog. there, i discuss community management and building personal websites on top of personal essays around my lifestyle and science that interests me.

the 32-bit cafe

the 32-bit cafe is a community of coding beginners, seasoned webdevs, artists, technologists, and non-technical folks to start building personal and/or wacky websites and help others build more websites with an artistic foundation, emphasizing custom-made webpages alongside personal blogs.