
From IndieWeb

Blog flickr photo by Suki Kim shared under a Creative Commons (BY-SA) license

IndieWeb Education Meet Up


Join us for an online discussion as a professional educator looking to model good IndieWeb practices from your own website and 2) as an instructor who would like to facilitate some first steps for students in this direction. in the chatroom!




Monday –


EtherPad Zoom Link


  • Greg is building a website tutorial for the students
  • Will notes that he uses a summative screencast and the students reflect on their learning and feel confident
    • For much of the semester they want to do it the "right" way
    • Have tutorials in LMS
    • Stick to one task per class
  • Greg brings up the ideas of tracks
    • training will track-Getting started with Google Sites/websites
      • Then explore different tracks: website, video, audio, photo
  • Write an OER book with a class???
    • ISTE and AACTE Standards
    • Check out the Web Literacy Map
  • Theories in edtech
    • Dewey
    • Rhizomatic Learning, Deleuze
    • Lave and Wagner
    • Erickson, Jasper expertise
    • Resnick
    • DeRosa
    • Connected Learning
    • Bowels
    • Papert
    • Jenkins
    • Disciplinary Literacy,
  • Competencies in edtech
  • Plan a series of challenges for the fall?
    • Two week challenges around media editing
      • Website
      • Photo
      • Video
      • Audio
  • Split the semester in half
    • Work on your name, building out your identity and website
    • Second half you then better self or the world.
      • self improvement projects
        • digital detox
        • quantified self
        • health challenge
      • world improvement project
        • start a chapter of an org
        • run an event
        • come up with your own idea