
From IndieWeb

hydrate is web developer jargon for the process of client-side JS taking over a DOM that was generated on the server, adding it to JS data structures, adding event handlers, … instead of generating page elements only on the client or entirely replacing those sent by the server. Due to complexity typically a process integrated with larger frameworks (example: vue.js documentation) that use the same code to render on the server and on the client.

Indieweb Examples

See Also

  • Criticism: switching from delivering HTML+CSS to delivering a hydration system multiples the risks involved: https://twitter.com/slightlylate/status/1592834652213248000
    • "What this means for frontend is that when someone suggests moving some part of a site from HTML + CSS to something that is "hydrated" by JS, know that they are not proposing a small thing. They're multiplying your risks." @slightlylate November 16, 2022