capability URL

From IndieWeb
(Redirected from magic link)

A Capability URL (AKA magic link, hard to guess URL, or secret URL) is a URL that provides access to a resource to anyone who has the URL without an explicit login.

IndieWeb Examples

gRegor Morrill

gRegor Morrill uses capability URLs for passwordless sign-in to since 2023-01.

Add yourself!

Add yourself here… (see this for more details)

Related Examples


Silo Examples


Flickr provides the ability to create a special link to view otherwise private photo albums. (need link to docs / example)

Other uses of the term 'magic link'

As an authentication mechanism

  • Slack, Glitch and other services will send you a link via email you need to click in order to login, sometimes instead of a traditional username/password setup.

W3C on Capability URLs

W3C has several links on this, all titled "Good Practices for Capability URLs"

See Also