
From IndieWeb

ownsomedata is when an indieweb site user/owner only posts some of their content (perhaps of a certain type) on their own domain first, then POSSEs it to silos, and instead posts some or most content on silos first.

IndieWeb Examples

gRegor Morrill

I ownsomedata for my notes because using the Twitter app is just quicker to post something, particularly on my phone. About 75% of my notes originate on my site and are POSSE to Twitter. The majority of tweets I send using the app are manually copied back to my site later.

The iPad Twitter app has a "copy URL of Tweet" option, but the Android Twitter app does not. When you go to "copy" on Android it adds some text like "Check out @username's tweet: URL." So it's difficult on my phone to reply to a tweet from my own site.

See Also