
From IndieWeb
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ratioed is either when a post (typically a tweet on Twitter) receives more replies than likes (greater than 1 ratio of replies to likes) or when a reply to (presumably disagreeing with) a post receives significantly (a multiplier of) more likes than the post itself, both indicating that the original post stated something likely incorrect or perhaps very unpopular.

See Also

  • This term typically only applies to platforms for posts where there even is an ability to like a post that is clearly an easier action to take than writing a reply, indicating that many more people decided it was worth the time and energy to write a reply than simply click a like button.
  • Example of a ratioed tweet, 5x+ replies/likes: https://twitter.com/drdrew/status/1379081137855688710
    • "These vaccine passports segregate people and strip them of their freedom to travel internationally. Vaccinations are important, and I encourage everyone to get the Covid vaccine, but how would you feel if international travel also required other vaccinations?" @drdrew April 5, 2021
  • ^^ ratio is visible in the reply-context of this tweet: https://twitter.com/todgoldberg/status/1379138222274404355
    • "When I was a kid and you were on Loveline, you were often a voice of reason in an unjust world. And then I guess you fell and hit your head on something? Have you ever traveled outside of Pasadena?" @todgoldberg April 5, 2021
  • https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/ratioed
  • Counterpoint: 2019-10-21 The Atlantic: Only Cowards Don’t Get Ratioed / If everyone always agrees with you, you’re doing it wrong.
  • Brainstorming: quote variant, when a post (tweet) receives far more quotings (quote tweets) than likes,
  • https://twitter.com/GovParsonMO/status/1448697768311132160
    • "Through a multi-step process, an individual took the records of at least three educators, decoded the HTML source code, and viewed the SSN of those specific educators.

      We notified the Cole County prosecutor and the Highway Patrol’s Digital Forensic Unit will investigate." @GovParsonMO October 14, 2021