2012/Academic Citations Web
Academic Citations for the Web was a session at IndieWebCamp 2012.
Notes from: https://etherpad.mozilla.org/indiewebcamp-citations
When: 2012-183 10:45-12:45
- IndieWeb Citations
- Michael Dexter - michaeldexter.org - @michaeldexter
Tantek Γelik
- Travis Wellman (project: spaciousness.org ) - @wavis
- Nicholas - @ogsempervirens
- Ed - @znmeb
hyperlinks are 'new school' citations
how can hyperlinks build a crawlable graph of citations between blogs
- MLA - Chicago Manual of Style "TCMOS"
- 'cite' tag
- 'cite' attribute on blockquote
research on online citation formats/style:
common fields across various citation formats/styles
- date/time
- author/publication
- time/date
- url
Examples in the wild of blog posts with copy/paste citations:
- http://callfortesting.org/monoculture/
- http://tantek.com/2012/156/b1/focus-enabling-design-distilled
modeling after author-date Parenthetical referencing (AKA Harvard style) in-text citation:
- (Smith 2008, p. 1) or (Smith 2008:1)
here is a proposed web style in-text citation:
- (ttk.me 4JF1)
- uses:
- ttk.me - personal short domain - acts as proxy for the author
- 4JF - NewBase60 encoded permalink epoch days
- 1 - and nth post for that day (1) rather than page number
all the way to: hypertext citation:
Tantek's straw proposal for i18n friendly/ready web-citations: (with {optional} components) - including common 4 fields from APA/MLA/TCMOS citation style with modifications:
- use ISO Date instead of US/European/English dates
- use author FULL NAME, instead of messing with last name first (ambiguous internationally).
<time>YYYY-MM-DD {HH:MM:SS}</time> AUTHOR: <a href="URL">TITLE</a>
possibly add <cite>
<time>YYYY-MM-DD {HH:MM:SS}</time> AUTHOR: <cite><a href="URL">TITLE</a></cite>
possibly add author hCard:
<time>YYYY-MM-DD {HH:MM:SS}</time> <span class="h-card">AUTHOR</span>: <cite><a href="URL">TITLE</a></cite>
possibly wrap the whole thing in a simple citation microformat:
<span class="h-cite"> <time class="dt-published">YYYY-MM-DD {HH:MM:SS}</time> <span class="p-author h-card">AUTHOR</span>: <cite><a class="u-url p-name" href="URL">TITLE</a></cite> </span>
should we include:
- geo data? e.g. some tweets have geo markers
- date captured/cited? stuff online changes (or disappears!)
how do we link to / cite a specific paragraph within a post?
subheads can at least have their own ids
personal archiving/versioning: