2012/PHP Wordpress RelMe
How I Hacked Someone's PHP WP Widget to make rel="me" work! was a session at IndieWebCamp 2012.
Notes from: https://etherpad.mozilla.org/indiewebcamp-relequalsmehack
When: 2012-06-30 14:00 Dependent
- Faddah
Tantek Γelik
release post: http://srinig.com/wordpress/2011/12/subscribe-connect-follow-widget-v-0-5-6/
Use Coda - Diet Coda on an iPad
Edit the widget - and add a "rel" field
add to the configuration file / structure:
- "rel" => "me"
That alone was insufficient
Looked for "a href" instead.
After each of those, typed in
- rel="{rel}" e.g. along with href="{url}"
Used a tool called "Snoopy" (bookmarklet in Safari) to view the source of what his blog was generating.
then looked again in the PHP
copied a str_replace line with {url}
repeated it
changed {url} - {rel}
that didn't work
then tried copying the line with {image}
repeated it
changed {image} to {rel}
saved it
then on each item in the array, added a default "rel=" => "me"
checked in Snoopy
refreshed, all the lines looked great
then went back to IndieWebCamp.com and logged in no problem.