Demos for IndieWebCamp SF 2014 took place 2014-03-08.
Archived from https://old.etherpad-mozilla.org/indiewebcamp-demos
Mark Hendrickson
- http://markmhendrickson.com/
- asheville - PESOS as a service
Amber Case
- http://caseorganic.com
- "An Introduction to the IndieWeb" comic!
- Used toonlet.com to create the characters, then imported into OmniGraffle to create the comic
- New wiki page: http://indiewebcamp.com/barriers
- Try to categorize different types of people and their approach to the IndieWeb
- 4 "Generations" - from being capable of building a CMS, to someone who has never purchased a domain
Aaron Parecki
- http://aaronparecki.com
- Photo post created by ownyourgram.com: http://aaronparecki.com/notes/2014/03/08/4/indiewebcamp-indieweb-sf
Kyle Mahan
- http://kylewm.com
- First bridgy contributor other than snarfed.org!
Tantek รelik
- http://tantek.com
- Toward a people focused mobile web
- "I have a habit of writing things up before I build them, it's probably a habit I picked up at the w3c"
- http://tantek.com/2013/338/b1/people-focused-mobile-communication-experience
Kevin Marks
- http://kevinmarks.com
- NoterLive