HTTPS was a session at IndieWebCamp SF 2014.
Notes archived from: https://etherpad.mozilla.org/indiewebcamp-https
When: 2014-03-07 14:45
HTTPS session
Will Norris (session facilitator)
- ...
Let's not turn this into a discussion about the architecture of SSL signing being broken...
- Free SSL certs from startssl.com
- startssl provides free wildcard certs with extra identity verification
- Namecheap provides cheap SSL certs ($5-$7/yr)
- http://www.ssls.com/
- http://indiewebcamp.com/https
- https://www.ssllabs.com/ssltest/
Issues with SNI
- Some client libraries in some programming languages don't have support yet
SPDY - huge performance improvements
HTTP 2.0 won't put SSL requirements in the spec, but Mozilla and Google will both require SSL for SPDY. (http://www.mnot.net/blog/2014/01/04/strengthening_http_a_personal_view)
Tantek asks: is there a recommendation for something I can do to make https not suck when they visit my site?
Will: I'm ok saying Windows XP computers can't access my site. For an eCommerce site I would not say that.
SSL in indiemark?
- Level 1 - "don't do the wrong thing"
- Why? Don't provide a bad user experience
- Example: https://waterpigs.co.uk/
- Level 2 - support it for your admin pages with a self-signed cert
- Why? Security, otherwise anyone can hack your CMS and post stuff as you. (e.g. firesheep)
- Example: https://dunlaps.net/darius/wp-login.php
- How to make Wordpress use SSL: http://codex.wordpress.org/Administration_Over_SSL
- Note: If you actually get a real SSL cert and serve your admin interface from the same domain, you are actually in Level 3.
- Level 3 - provide your front-end over both https and http with a cert from a trusted CA
- Why?
- Example: https://aaronparecki.com/ https://pauloppenheim.com/
- Level 4 - serve everything over https and send redirects from http -> https
- Example: https://snarfed.org/ (via HSTS header) https://willnorris.com/ (via 301 redirect)
- Level 5 - use correct ciphers, etc (see https://www.ssllabs.com/ssltest/)
- Tim Bray posted about serving his site via https (https://www.tbray.org/ongoing/When/201x/2012/12/02/HTTPS)
- "This blog isnβt terribly controversial. But if only the βcontroversialβ stuff is private, then privacy is itself suspicious. Thus, privacy should be on by default."
- "Because I can; itβs the one small part of the Internet that I do have complete control of." (https://willnorris.com/2012/12/all-https-all-the-time)
- If you received a comment via an https website you can be more certain it's actually sent from the person
- Performance gains from using SPDY (https://thethemefoundry.com/blog/why-we-dont-use-a-cdn-spdy-ssl/)