POSSE patterns and anti-patterns was a session at IndieWebCamp SF 2014.
Notes archived from: https://etherpad.mozilla.org/indiewebcamp-possepatterns
When: 2014-03-07 16:50 (spontaneous)
- Scott Jenson
Tantek Γelik
- Amber Case
- ...
Scott gave Barnaby a hard time about his tweets about a year ago because they were nearly unreadable when truncated. But recently they've improved.
How do we document best/worst practices for POSSE so that we can all POSSE better?
Bad examples seen in the wild on Twitter
- A sentence like "What really bothers me is ..."
- In general you put something on Twitter that is meaningless by itself
- Permashortlinks in tweets
- Permashortcitations make no sense to Scott
- looks like a broken link
- less bad than links to same content with no benefits
- perhaps a transition - until your own posts have more content than POSSE version, e.g. indieweb comments and Bridgy based favorites/retweets/comments from several silos.
Good practices:
- POSSE tweet preview UI
- see what you're going to tweet, how your friends will see it on the silo
- provides opportunity to craft your note so that it POSSEs ok to Twitter
- POSSE tweet with a photo gets more engagement
- We want to avoid the noisy/crappy look of Pingback
- We want to avoid having it look like just an auto-post