Indie Communications was a session at IndieWebCamp UK 2014.
Notes archived from: https://etherpad.mozilla.org/indiewebcamp-indiecomms
When: 2014-09-06 14:45-16:20
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2014-09-06 Indie Communications one of several IndieWebCampUK 2014 sessions!
14:45-16:20 Some background posts on indie communications
- http://tantek.com/2013/338/b1/people-focused-mobile-communication-experience
- http://tantek.com/2014/067/b1/building-blocks-people-focused-mobile-communication
- http://tantek.com/2014/067/b2/mockups-people-focused-mobile-communication
CIP - can redirect home phone to mobile, etc
telephony - not changed much since 1876! Mechanical phone exchange numbers, dialling, switching
comms - hangouts, skyper, viber, whatsapp, facetime,
whatsapp - uses phone number...
forget phone number - use URL and build it on the web!!
Closed ecosystem... can only facetime if have facetime account... can only skype with skype account
Social identity - this is how you contact me
Web RTC - protocol can carry anything
peer to peer goes between two browsers
data channels audio/video real time
Real time text
Google hangouts uses web rtc but it is still closed
Moving real time session data between people
Mozilla - still need account on the system
voice codec if sending voice... streaming
Phono: Calling in interface - browser to browser
Ben Roberts thatmustbeme/contact
You could choose the way that you want to be contacted, stops you getting called in the middle of the night
Twitter dm, Skype, IRC relies of buddy list... approving that person Lot of comms we do if we don't know that person... restaurant
Phone numbers - some people closely guard them, hard to stop people contacting you if they do have your number. Web can gate who contacts you.
Could give services URL.
Web RTC on front end CIP on backend
Stun box... allows machines to discover own ip address
Turn - more restrictive NAT
Many aspects to doing end-to-end indie communications
WebRTC is just plumbing.
Scenario: 1. pick up a computer with a browser that supports WebRTC 2. go to my site 3. start a call to me
Using IndieAuth -> domain - > intersection of contact preferences
- A signs into B's website with IndieAuth
- B's website shows more methods of contact (easy)
- B's website checks A's website for a rel=contact to a e.g. "/contact.html" page
- B's website parses the h-card from that page and checks all the "url" properties
- B's website does an intersection of the schemes of those URL properties and those on B's site
- B shows methods of contact that *both* B and A have.
- optionally it can show other methods of contact that A does not have, but just greys them out, so that A knows they could go install/setup those.
Contextual enhancements for the contacter, e.g. show contextual information on contacts page or even home page like:
- time where the person is (via automatic checking of Foursquare to imply timezone)
- at the movies - do not contact (again via Foursquare)