2014 reposts was an IndieWebCamp 2014 (NYC venue) brainstorming session about design and UX for presenting a repost on your own site.
Session Notes
Archived from: https://etherpad.mozilla.org/indieweb-reposts
IndieWebCamp 2014 NYC
17:00 reposts session
Session participants:
- Alex
- Happy
- Kartik Prabhu
Tantek Γelik - session lead
Discussing: https://indiewebcamp.com/repost
Example: https://kylewm.com/share/2014/06/10/1
Ellen's 3+million retweet: https://twitter.com/TheEllenShow/status/440322224407314432
Kartik: If Aaron reposts Barnaby's post, he would keep a copy of the original on his repost. Now if Barnaby deletes the original should Aaron still keep a copy? What if the original post is copyrighted.
Tantek: I want to implement reposts on my site so I keep a copy regardless, and also POSSE native retweet on Twitter. Repost+comment: an emerging pattern on Twitter is to add a comment before retweeting as in "comment by retweeter" RT: @originalposter original post
Or using the recycle icon βΊ e.g.
Recycle Icon Aside
Google can't find βΊ
Nor Bing
But it's on Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E2%99%BA
Unicode: U+267A βΊ recycling symbol for generic materials
Repost UI flow
Repost UI:
- You enter a URL to repost (or click a repost button)
- Your software asks for confirmation:
"Repost this to your followers?" (preview of your repost... ) (Cancel) (Repost)
Repost presentation
UI sketches:
Reposting a tweet or post with POSSE tweet
Reposting a tweet, retweet, or indie post (repost) with POSSE tweet. Whiteboard:
Reposting a post that lacks a POSSE tweet
Reposting an indie post WITHOUT a POSSE tweet - how do you POSSE to Twitter? Either you don't, or if you do: βΊ user.example.com: "--------..." user.example.com/permalink
- "------" = up to 99 characters of the text of the indie post being reposted
- ... - regardless of truncation include original permalink at end of POSSE copy (instead of permalink to your repost)